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Surviving Residency, the Initial Years
By Dr Tina Tan, Class of 2011

I was once asked to recount the funniest moment I could recall from my Houseman year.

One morning during clinical rounds, a new patient stated quite seriously, "I can't take Panadol. I'm allergic to it."
The Registrar promptly asked, "So what do you take for a fever, sir?"
"Paracetamol!" the patient replied.
The Registrar kept his cool and assured the patient that he would only be given Paracetamol in view of his Panadol allergy.

Reflections on Polyclinic Rotation
By Dr Andrew Green, Class of 2012

I believe that one's experience as a clinician will never be complete without having gone through primary care. It was in this polyclinic rotation that I realized the true meaning of national healthcare - to provide caring service for a healthy nation. Primary care centers, especially polyclinics in Singapore, challenge doctors to use their heads and hearts in equal doses in a cost-effective time frame. The enormous number of patients that flood the polyclinics daily can be terrifying for a greenhorn doctor like myself. Will I be able to meet the numbers? Even if I do, will I be a safe doctor? If I can be quick and safe, will the patients be satisfied with my hasty consultations?

Your Birthday Benefit

Happy birthday, all April-born Duke-NUS alumni babies!

We're introducing a new benefit for Duke-NUS alumni from April 2014 onwards!

As a valued member of the Duke-NUS family, this is just our way of saying that we remember you and would like to reconnect with you as you matter to us (hence this alumni eNewsletter is titled "Alumni Matters").

Receive a $10 voucher during your birthday month.
Email about the collection of your birthday voucher.

Terms & Conditions:
  • Voucher must be collected during your birthday month.
  • Duke-NUS reserves the right to withdraw this birthday benefit at any time without prior notice.
Have You Updated Your Particulars?
Update your particulars to stay connected with the School and receive a special gift of a handy travel adaptor. While stocks last.
Email for more details now!
Duke-NUS Medical Alumni (DNMA)

Our alumni members will be sharing their personal tips and medical experiences with the graduating Class of 2014 during the Capstone in May.

Join us for these sessions to catch up with your ex-classmates and share your Step 2CS and Step 3 experiences too.

Check your email for regular event updates like the Capstone alumni sharing session as well as other events eg. upcoming Annual General Meeting and Homecoming.

Not a DNMA member yet? Email to register now!

Duke-UNC Basketball Screening
Duke-NUS Fiesta 2014

Duke-NUS Graduation Dinner
Class of 2014 Graduation & Hooding Ceremony
White Coat Ceremony for Class of 2018
Recent Appointments at Duke-NUS
Congratulations to Our NMRC Awardees
Decade of Dzau Leaves DUHS
"Well Prepared for The Future"
Sally Kornbluth Named Provost at Duke University
Heartwarming Story On "Dancing Jerry: Duke Alumnus, Pediatrician, Cameron Crazie" and Duke basketball
The Duke-NUS Criteria for Exam Depression
By Dr Tina Tan, Class of 2011

A diagnosis of an episode of Exam Depression requires that the student has - over a two-week period - experienced two or more of the following symptoms. These must be outside the student's normal behavior. The presence of an upcoming exam that involves intensive, time-consuming, mind-numbing studying MUST be included in order to make this diagnosis.
  1. Low mood - Do you feel sad when you study?
  2. Disinterest - Do you not feel like studying, even if you have plenty of free time?
  3. Irritability/Anxiety - Do you feel constantly agitated within a period of 24 hours every time you think of your exam/have to study for your exam/talk to others about the exam?
  4. Fatigue - Do your patients in the wards experience exam fatigue and depression from being constantly examined by you and your fellow students?
If you have answered 'YES' to two or more of these questions, the criteria for Exam Depression are fulfilled. The student must seek immediate treatment or risk further auto-pilot decline and losing their sense of humor. Thank you.
Alumni Relations Office
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore
8 College Road, Level 6
Singapore 169857
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