Past Events
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Alumni Relations News Bites
Alumni Community Humerus Section
Inaugural Night at the Medical School
On 13 November 2014, parents of Duke-NUS medical students gathered for an evening at the university, to connect with alumni, deans, and other parents.

At the event, Duke University's President Richard Brodhead and Duke Global Health Institute's Prof Mike Merson also shared their insights on how American universities have been increasingly engaged with the world through research, and the need for global connections in healthcare and research.

It was certainly a night to remember, and a small step forward towards building heartfelt connections between the school, and the people that matter most to the students - their parents!
CDAC - Duke-NUS Community Health Screening
Several Duke-NUS alumni, together with current students, ran the health screening booths at the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) 'Ready for School' Carnival on 7 December 2014, and screened a total of 358 participants. Alumni also had the opportunity to mentor the student organising committee, as well as aid operations on the ground.

The Carnival helped many children from low-income families gear up for a new school year, and also included the distribution of vouchers, talks, and plentiful fun activities.
Faculty Appreciation Soiree
Duke-NUS students feted their faculty to much feasting and joy at the annual Faculty Appreciation Soiree on 12 December 2014. Everyone ho-ho-ho-ed all night long with songs and dance, and a festive spirit was in the air as all went home with not only full bellies, but also hearts full of love and goodwill.

Click here for photos.
Check your email for regular updates and invitations to these events!
PhD Alumni Networking Dinner
Date : 27 March 2015 (Friday)
Time : 7:00pm
Venue : MU Parlour (Holland Village)
Alumni Movie Matinee -
"The Divergent Series: Insurgent"
Date : 28 March 2015 (Saturday)
Time : 3.30pm
Venue : GV VivoCity
Journeying with our Deans
Date : 7 April 2015 (Tuesday)
Time : 5.00pm
Venue : Duke-NUS Atrium, Level 2
Class of 2015 Graduation Dinner
Date : 29 May 2015 (Friday)
Time : 7.00pm
Venue : Hotel Intercontinental
Class of 2015 Graduation and Hooding Ceremony
Date : 30 May 2015 (Saturday)
Time : 4.30pm
Venue : The Academia Auditorium, Level 1
White Coat Ceremony 2015
Date : 14 August 2015 (Friday)
Time : 6.30pm
Venue : The Academia Auditorium, Level 1
DNMA 3rd Annual General Meeting and Alumni Reunion
Date : August 2015
Time : tbc
Venue : tbc
More details will be released closer to the date.
Alumni Relations Office
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore
8 College Road, Level 6
Singapore 169857
Email : alumni@duke-nus.edu.sg
Web : https://www.duke-nus.edu.sg