After medical school: Building a community of giving and teamwork
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After medical school: Building a community of giving and teamwork

On 21 August 2015, Duke-NUS Medical Alumni (DNMA) society held their third Annual General Meeting and alumni reunion at Duke-NUS. Elections for the new committee, which are held bi-annually, were conducted this year. With the burgeoning number of alumni members each year, a new motion was passed to elect six committee members instead of the initial five, to enable more diverse views from various member interests.

The newly-elected members of the DNMA Committee are:
President: Dr Chia Ghim Song (MD 2011)
Vice President: Dr Lim Jing Wei (MD 2012)
Secretary: Dr Padmastuti Akella (MD 2013)
Assistant Secretary: Dr Eric Cher (MD 2014)
Treasurer: Dr Syeda Kashfi Qadri (MD 2012)
Assistant Treasurer: Dr Anuradha Pandey (MD 2015)
Committee Member: Dr Bianca Chan (MD 2011)
Committee Member: Dr Karen Nadua (MD 2011)
Committee Member: Dr Andrew Green (MD 2012)
Committee Member: Dr Andrew Chou (MD 2015)
Committee Member: Dr Petty Chen (MD 2015)
Committee Member: Dr Martyn Gostelow (MD 2015)
Honorary Auditor: Dr Dixon Grant (MD 2011)
Honorary Auditor: Dr Felix Maverick
Rubillar Uy
(MD 2013)
Interestingly, the elections were facilitated by a few medical students from the Class of 2016 who will become alumni themselves next year. They volunteered to help to gain insights into the vital role the alumni plays at Duke-NUS.

As Kenneth Chin (Class of 2016) puts it, "The alumni are a very powerful resource which the school must capitalise on. As graduating seniors, we too must continue to be involved in the school-building process." Owen Png (Class of 2016), the current Student Council President, also emphasised the importance of "camaraderie and teamwork in the wards and building a community where we can count on one another to deliver the best medicine possible."

Upon graduation, both Kenneth and Owen would like to serve in the committee and hope to contribute through peer mentorship. Kenneth strongly believes in the merits of mentorship. "As students who have been through the system, we understand the fears and concerns our juniors may face. There is great value in allaying their fears and helping to clarify knowledge gaps and reassuring them," he shared.

"When one cares about something, one makes the time for it," said Dr Karen Nadua, who clearly demonstrates the alumni's passion to give back. Although absent from the AGM after having given birth to a baby boy the week before, her fellow alumni members spoke fondly of her time and effort spent on alumni matters despite her commitments as a doctor, wife and mother-to-be. Her drive to actively shape the Duke-NUS identity stems from personally feeling "so far from Duke-NUS when this was my world not too long ago, and which shaped a significant part of me, that's why I want to be more than another faceless, overworked resident."

As more classes graduate in the years ahead, Dr Karen Nadua wants to remind them that Duke-NUS is home and they can always count on this family. "Duke-NUS does not end with your graduation. In the overwhelming work and uncertainty that may swallow you up, you may find yourself seeking to reconnect with this aspect of your identity and you'd be surprised by the support and familiar comfort of your fellow alumni. And then you can pay it forward."

Being involved in your alma mater's growth and keeping in touch with former schoolmates can be trying especially when faced with life's many challenges. Coupled with long hours in the wards and personal commitments, participation may just sound impossible. However, DNMA has made great strides under the leadership of its inaugural committee, who served from 2013 - 2015.

As the alumni community grows steadily with each passing year, the DNMA Committee has been steadfast and dedicated in addressing the needs of the alumni community and nurturing a sense of belonging, friendship and giving back to the school. The DNMA has actively shown its support to the School through its frequent alumni sharing sessions for current students, participation in community service projects and key events like the Chinese Development Assistance Council - Duke-NUS Community Health Screening, Hooding & Graduation Ceremony, Deans' Pancake Breakfast etc.

One of DNMA's more notable recent initiatives is its alumni residency groups. So far, three networks have been established. They are the Paediatrics Alumni Group, Radiology Alumni Group and the Internal Medicine Alumni Group. These groups serve as a nexus of support, advice and mentorship for the alumni, as they head into the wards officially as doctors. Plans are also underway to launch more specialty groups.
Alumni Relations Office
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore
8 College Road, Level 6
Singapore 169857
Email : alumni@duke-nus.edu.sg
Web : https://www.duke-nus.edu.sg