The Duke-NUS Dialogues

On the 24th January 2017, we launched a new initiative: The Duke-NUS Dialogues. The Dialogues aim to connect the alumni to Duke-NUS' core mission, through regular dialogues with prominent clinicians, top scientific researchers and government leaders.

Taking the Road Less Travelled

Life has a way of throwing surprises in our paths, as it did two years ago to my husband and me. We were in our final year of medical school - him in Canada, and I at Duke-NUS. We'd planned for him to come to Singapore for residency, and hopefully finally close the chapter on our six-year long distance relationship.

First Alumni Survey

You will always be a part of the Duke-NUS family, even after your graduation. We want to keep in touch and know how you are doing professionally. We hope to understand the challenges you face in your medical career, and in doing so, help to better prepare future classes.

Clinical Attire
Getting to know the Alumni Relations Team
Class Reunion for Class of 2013
Alumni Speaker Series
5th Year Class Reunion for Class of 2011
Coffee Appreciation
NUHS Alumni Gatherings
College Day 2017
Duke-NUS Alumni Clinical Observership (DACO)
Duke-NUS Alumni Forum with Professor Terrance Chua
NUS Day of Service
Radiology Residency Dinner
Alumni Volunteering for Duke-NUS
Look out for these exciting upcoming events. Check your emails for more details.

  • New batch of students coming in for Transition 1 23rd July to 27th July 2018 (previously known as Foundation)
  • White Coat Ceremony 17th August 2018
  • DNMA Annual General Meeting 24th August 2018
  • Dean's Pancake breakfast 28th September 2018
Published paper - Evaluating Student-Led Medical Foreign Language Courses: A Preliminary Study (Andrew Chia Chen Chou, Pin Yu Chen)
Our alumni Dr Andrew Chou and Dr Petty Chen wrote a paper studying the efficacy of LINGO, the Duke-NUS student-initiated medical foreign language course to improve communication with patients with limited English proficiency.
Dr Wijaya Martanto Takes on a Different Role
Dr Wijaya Martanto (MD Class of 2014) joined the Clinical Governance team of Sengkang General and Community Hospitals. In this new role, he engages general practitioners around Alexandra Hospital, Sengkang and Punggol in collaboration with SKH's Service Planning team to establish close partnerships for the future. We wish him every success in this exciting new role. Find out more.
Dr Brian Chan Interviewed For Tomorrow's Medicine
Dr Brian Chan, our graduate from MD Class of 2017, was interviewed for the June 2017 edition of the SingHealth magazine, Tomorrow's Medicine. Besides profiling his years of being a student leader, it shared Dr Chan's passion for volunteerism. He is a volunteer for Runninghour, a running club for the visually and intellectually challenged. Find out more here.
Dr Lim Kheng Choon Featured in Faces Of Healthcare
Dr Lim Kheng Choon, our alumnus from the pioneer MD Class of 2011, was recently interviewed for the Faces of Healthcare website. He discussed his experience as a chief resident and training his junior colleagues. Read more about it here.
New Duke-NUS and NUS Engineering Partnership
Duke-NUS partnered NUS to start the NUS Engineering and Medicine track. Successful students will graduate with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at Duke-NUS Medical School after obtaining a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree at NUS. Our alumnus, Dr Eric Cher (MD Class of 2014) was highlighted as a graduate with B.Eng from NUS. Read more about it here.
MD Class of 2011 Exiting Residency
Congratulations to our pioneer class of MD alumni on the completion of their residency training and the beginning of a new phase in their medical career. Cheers to Dr Chia Ghim Song (SGH Neuro Interventional Radiology), Dr Dixon Grant (SGH Haematology), Dr Cecilia Kwok (SGH Psychiatry), Dr Lim Kheng Choon (SGH Neuroradiology), Dr Astrid Melani Suantio (SGH Geriatric Medicine) and Dr Tina Tan (IMH Geriatric Psychiatry).
Outstanding Clinical Ward Teaching Junior Resident Award
Our alumnus, Dr Clarissa Tio (Class of 2015), who is doing her training in Internal Medicine residency in the US has recently won the Outstanding Clinical Ward Teaching Junior Resident Award at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre.

Good on you, Clarissa!
AM·EI Golden Apple Awards 2017
Congratulations to our Alumnus Dr Ku Chee Wai (Class of 2013) for being nominated for the Outstanding Young Educator Award!
SingHealth RiSE Awards 2017
An impressive number of RiSE award winners are Duke-NUS alumni. Congratulations to the SingHealth RiSE Awards 2017 Winners!

Quality Improvement Project Award
  • Dr Foo Li Lian (Class of 2012), Ophthalmology for Reducing Preparation Time for Wheelchair Patients to be Examined at Slitlamp Upon Entering Consultation Room
  • Dr Chia Ghim Song and Dr Lim Kheng Choon (both Class of 2011), Diagnostic Radiology for Improving CT Brain Competency

Outstanding Resident Award
  • Dr Astrid Melani Suantio (Class of 2011), Geriatric Medicine
  • Dr Dixon Grant (Class of 2011), Haematology
  • Dr Feng Jiajun (Class of 2012), Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
  • Dr Ignasius Aditya Jappar (Class of 2012), Cardiology
  • Dr Jeanne Tan May May (Class of 2012), Neurology
  • Dr Yong Ming Hui (Class of 2012), Neurology
  • Dr Cher Wei Liang Eric (Class of 2014), Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Dr Chester Huang Junjie (Class of 2015), Paediatrics
  • Dr Zhang Yuan Helen (Class of 2015), Emergency Medicine
  • Dr Lee Man Xin (Class of 2016), Emergency Medicine
Best House Officer Awards
  • Dr Cao Jinyi (Class of 2016)
  • Dr Lek Sze Min (Class of 2016)
Best Medical Officer Awards
  • Dr Melbin Emerson Co (Class of 2013)
  • Dr Jang Jia Hui Isabelle (Class of 2014)
  • Dr Leong Dalun (Class of 2014)
National Outstanding Clinician Scientist Resident Awards
This inaugural national award recognizes Clinician Scientist Residents for their outstanding performance and contribution in clinical training and research to improve patient care. Only two awards nationally were given this year, and both were awarded to Duke-NUS grads!

[left] Dr Tay Khwee Soon Vincent (Class of 2011) accepting the award from Prof Ian Curran, Vice Dean,Education

[right] Dr Feng Jiajun (Class of 2012) accepting the award from Prof Ian Curran
Clinician Scientist Featured in SingHealth Residency Newsletter
Dr Jeanne Tan, (MD Class of 2012), was recently featured in issue 47 of SingHealth Residency newsletter. Read on to know more about her journey as both a Clinician Scientist and a Neurology Senior Resident.
Alumni Relations Office
Duke-NUS Medical School
8 College Road, Level 4, Singapore 169857
Email :      |      Web :