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The 5th Duke-NUS Dialogue:
Healthcare Transformation - Innovations for our Future

The 5th Duke NUS Alumni Dialogue was successfully organised on 30 November 2018. We were honoured to have Prof Tan Chorh Chuan (Chief Health Scientist, Executive Director, Ministry of Health Office of Healthcare Transformation, Ministry of Health) as the guest speaker for the evening.

The 4th Duke-NUS Dialogue:
Sustainable Healthcare: Mission Im (possible)?

The 4th Duke NUS Alumni Dialogue was successfully organised on 8 May 2018. We were honoured to have Mr Chan Heng Kee, Permanent Secretary (Ministry of Health) as the guest speaker for the evening. Mr Tony Chew and Dr Melanie Chew were again our kind hosts.

2018 Alumni Survey

109 alumni participated in the second Annual Duke-NUS Alumni Survey. This represents 35% of the alumni community – an increase in participation from last year.

Student Townhall

Last September 2018, Duke-NUS' Student Affairs and Alumni Relations hosted a Student Town Hall to give students a chance to hear from and have a dialogue with Duke-NUS and SingHealth leadership.

SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress which was into its fifth edition was successfully held over two days, from 21 - 22 September 2018 at the Academia, with over 3,000 delegates congregating in what was to be the biggest healthcare-related scientific event in Singapore and around the region.

Dr Chong Jia Loon, 2014 Intake

Dr Chong Jia Loon is an MD-PhD candidate at Duke-NUS Medical School and holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Bioengineering) degree from the National University of Singapore. He completed his thesis defense on the 4 of September and is currently in his final year of the MD Programme.

Dr Shashendra Aponso, Class of 2015

Dr Shashendra Aponso (whom most of us know as Dr Sashen), a Duke-NUS alumnus of the Class of 2015 with a passion for public speaking, went on stage at the Academia auditorium for the ethical debate at the 2018 SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress.

Dr Brian Chan, Class of 2017

At Your Service - Our Alumnus Dr Brian Chan, Class of 2017 was featured on the latest issue of the AlumNUS magazine.

"I wanted to become a doctor to serve others when they are at their most vulnerable," he said.

Dr Cecilia Kwok, Class of 2011

An inspiring graduate from the pioneer Class of 2011, Dr Cecilia Kwok, who is today an Associate Consultant in the Department of Psychiatry, Singapore General Hospital, was featured in the Sep - Oct 2018's Singapore Health issue.

Dr Shravan Verma, Class of 2014

Doctor steps up to help injured biker at Raffles Quay: He's CEO of medical service Speedoc - an app that brings a house call doctor directly to where you are 24/7.

Our Alumnus Dr Shravan Chandra Verma, Class of 2014 was featured on the STOMP news where he was spotted helping an injured biker at Raffles Quay.

SingHealth RiSE Awards 2018

A happy moment for Duke-NUS!
At the recent SingHealth RiSE Awards, our alumni bagged several awards.
We are happy to share the LIST OF Duke-NUS winners!

Chinese New Year College Reunion Talks 2018
Duke-NUS Bowling Challenge
Project Inspire
Through the Stethoscope - Geriatric Health Screening
Class of 2018 Graduation Welcome Party
Annual General Meeting 2018
NUS Day of Service 2018
Duke-NUS Social Night 2018
Stay tuned for the following exciting events coming your way soon.
Getting to know the Alumni Relations Team
Wanted: Alumni's Stories and Participation at Recruitment Roadshows!
Duke-NUS Medical School
8 College Road, Level 4, Singapore 169857
Email : alumni@duke-nus.edu.sg      |      Web : www.duke-nus.edu.sg