
Tan Kok Yang

Research Associate


Contact: 65161066

Kok Yang is a research associate in CARE. He graduated with a Master of Science in Applied Gerontology from Nanyang Technological University in 2021. His primary interest is exploring social, psychological and behavioural conditions that shape the complex ageing experience and looking at various approaches to promote a higher quality of life for older adults. Kok Yang is also a grassroots volunteer in a Resident Committee and participates actively in community work, particularly those involving older adults. Currently, Kok Yang manages an Assessment of Fall and Fracture Risk study that intends to develop high-quality screening algorithms for assessing the risk of falls and fractures among older adults in the community, and determine their psychosocial, cognitive and sociodemographic correlates. Through work and volunteering, he aspires to gain more insight into ageing research and further his learning.

At CARE, Kok Yang is involved in:

(1) Steps to Avoid Falls in the Elderly: Translating Research into Practice Project – a study that aims to identify innovative strategies for implementing an evidence-based falls prevention programme into the community.

(2) An Evaluation of Care Close to Home (C2H) Programme – a study to assess if C2H as a social care service programme is effective in improving the psychosocial well-being of older adults who have been in the C2H program.

(3) Nursing Home Social Perception Survey – a survey that aims to understand the perceptions, needs and aspirations regarding aged care among Singaporeans aged 30-74 years residing near a nursing home.

Tay, P. K. C., Ting, Y. Y., & Tan, K. Y. (2019). Sex and Care: The Evolutionary Psychological Explanations for Sex Differences in Formal Care Occupations [Mini Review]. Frontiers in Psychology, 10