Dr Anne Goh is a Senior Consultant of the Paediatric Allergy Service and Respiratory Medicine Service at the Department of Paediatrics, KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore. Her job scope encompasses both Allergy and Respiratory-related diseases as well as General Paediatrics.
Dr Goh received her medical degree from National University of Singapore and her specialist training in Toronto Sick Children's Hospital in Canada.
She developed the Flexible Bronchoscopy Service for the Respiratory Medicine Service. She also developed the Allergy Service which offers management of food and drug allergies as well other allergic conditions. She actively participates in training of Residents and Medical students in her work.
She is also the President of the Singapore Paediatric Society. She is a member to many professional committees, including Clinical Advisory Panel for Rehabilitation, Committee for development of Acute Viral Bronchiolitis Clinical Pathway, Asthma Clinical Pathway and Pneumonia Clinical Pathway and Committee for Respiratory Tract Infections Antibiotic Guidelines. Dr Goh is a reviewer for Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, Singapore Medical Journal, Respirology, Annals Academy of Medicine, Paediatric International, Pediatric Pulmonology, Emerging infectious Diseases, Clinical and Developmental Immunology, NMRC Exploratory and Developmental proposals and for the MIMS Respiratory Guide. She is also Adjunct Associate Professor of the Yong Yoo Lin School of Medicine as well as Adjunct Associate Professor of the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. She also teaches the Lee Kong Chian Medical School undergraduate students.
With clinical and research interests in the areas including respiratory infections, bronchial asthma management, obstructive sleep apnoea and allergy, Dr Goh has authored or co-authored several peer-reviewed papers as well as given many presentations at national and international courses and conferences. She is also actively involved in many asthma-related, infectious disease and allergy clinical trials.
Master of Medicine (Paediatrics)
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
National University of Singapore, Singapore