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Semra Ozdemir Van Dyk

Associate Professor


Contact: 66013575

Semra Ozdemir is an Assistant Professor at Lien Centre for Palliative Care and the Signature Programme in Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS. She obtained her PhD in public health and economics from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA. Her main research areas are medical decision making and health economics. She is interested in understanding preferences for health services and technologies and the decision-making process between patients, family caregivers and physicians, especially in decisions related to advanced serious illnesses. Her research also focuses on developing interventions and decision aids to help individuals make decisions that align with their preferences and treatment goals. She has developed numerous discrete-choice experiment surveys in a variety of therapeutic areas, and has been developing and testing patient decision aids for elderly patients with end-stage kidney disease.


  • Health Services Research Program at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore (Primary)
  • Lien Centre for Palliative Care
  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint)

Academic/Professional Qualifications:

  • B.S. (2001), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Ph.D. (2013), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Teaching Areas:

  • Market analysis
  • Discrete choice experiments

Professional membership/services

  • Member, Society for Medical Decision Making
  • Tenured Member, International Academy of Health Preference Research
  • Editorial Board, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy

Career History:

  • Research Health Economist, RTI International (2009-2013)

Medical decision making, health economics, stated-preference methods, patient decision aids, shared decision making, and end-of-life and palliative care.

  1. Ozdemir S,Baid D, Verghese Rao N, Lam AYR, Lee PC, Lim AYY, Zhu L, Ganguly S, Finkelstein E, Goh SY. Patient Preferences for Medications in Managing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Value in Health (accepted).
  2. Ozdemir S,Malhotra C, Teo I, Yang GM, Kanesvaran R, Yee ACP, Finkelstein EA. Palliative Care Awareness among Advances Cancer Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore. Annals Academic Medicine Singapore 2019; 48(8): 241-246.
  3. Jacob J, Palat G, Rao Verghese N, Kumari P, Rapelli V, Kumari S, Malhotra C, Teo I, Finkelstein E, Ozdemir S. Health-related Quality of Life and its Socio-economic and Cultural Predictors among Advanced Cancer Patients: Evidence from a Cross-sectional Survey in India. BMC Palliative Care 2019; 18 (94).
  4. Ozdemir S, Jafar TH, Choong HL, Finkelstein EA. Family Dynamics: Elderly Patients and Their Family Caregivers Experience with Medical Decision Making and Treatment Preferences for Managing End Stage Renal Disease. BMC Nephrology 2019; 20: 73-82.
  5. Ozdemir S, Finkelstein EA. Cognitive Bias: The Downside of Shared Decision Making. Journal of Clinical Oncology Cancer Informatics. 2018; 2: 1-10. DOI:10.1200/CCI.18.0001.
  6. Ozdemir S, Wong TT, Allingham RR, Finkelstein EA. Predicted Patient Demand for a New Delivery System for Glaucoma Medicine. Medicine 2017; 96(15), 1-5.
  7. Ozdemir S, Bilger M, Finkelstein EA. Stated Uptake of Physical Activity Rewards Programmes among Active and Insufficiently Active Full-Time Employees. Applied Heath Economics and Health Policy 2017 15(5); 1-10.
  8. Ozdemir, S. Improving the Validity of Stated-Preference Data in Health Research: The Potential of the Time-to-Think Approach. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research 2015 8(3), 247-55.
  9. Ozdemir S, Mohamed AF, Johnson FR, Hauber AB. Who Pays Attention in Stated-Choice Surveys? Health Economics 2010:19(1), 111-118.
  10. Ozdemir S, Johnson FR, Hauber AB. Hypothetical Bias, Cheap Talk, and Stated Willingness to Pay for Health Care. Journal of Health Economics 2009;28(4), 894-901.