Junxing CHAY 

Assistant Professor

Qualifications: Ph.D
Email: junxing.chay@duke-nus.edu.sg
Contact: 66012038

Brief Biography:

Junxing is a health economist and Assistant Professor at the Programme in Health Services & Systems Research and Lien Centre for Palliative Care in Duke-NUS. He received his PhD in Economics from Singapore Management University. His research focuses on the economic evaluation of health policies, programs, and healthcare innovations using econometric and simulation approaches. He seeks to address questions around the consequences of implementing various interventions on health and healthcare costs. He is currently leading several studies to quantify work productivity losses associated with cancer, and to estimate the cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening and various food policies to improve dietary intake. He is also developing courses on cost-effectiveness modelling for the Graduate Certificate Programme in Health Economic Evaluation (GCHEE) at Duke-NUS, to be launched in 2024.
