Clinical Assistant Professor ONG Wah Ying

Senior Consultant (Palliative Medicine)


Brief Biography:

Dr Ong Wah Ying has been a palliative care physician since 2010 and is a Senior Consultant in the Division of Supportive and Palliative Care, National Cancer Centre Singapore. She is currently holding a secondary appointment as Clinical Physician Faculty Member (CPFM). Her past appointments include roles such as Medical Director of Dover Park Hospice from 2016 to 2020, as well as Clinical Assistant Professor (Duke-NUS) from 2022 to 2023.

Dr Ong has received many accolades over her professional career, which include the 2017 NHG Teaching Excellence Awards (Outstanding Education Partners Award), 2016 NUS Clinical Training Merit Award, 2014 ILTC Excellence Awards, 2011 DPH 10 Years Long Service Award, 2011 Healthcare Humanity Award and 2009 HMDP Award for Clinical Fellowship in Palliative Care training in Southern Adelaide Palliative Services. Dr Ong was also the recipient of the AIC Research Grant ($70 000) in 2018.

Some of Dr Ong’s publications include:

  • The disparity between patient and nurse symptom rating in a hospice population. T To, W Ong, D Rawlings, A Greene, D Currow. J Palliat Med 2012 May;15(5):542-7.;
  • Ethical dilemmas in the care of cancer patients near the end of life. W Ong, C Yee, A Lee. Singapore Med J 2012;53(1):11-16.; and
  • An Audit on Antibiotic Use at the end of life in inpatient hospice patients Are we con-tributing to over-medicalization of dying? TJ Lo, HY Wu, WY Ong, Angel Lee. Prog Pall Care 2015:23:220-223.

Dr Ong holds an MBBS from National University Singapore and completed MMed Family Medicine in 2003. She joined Dover Park Hospice (DPH) in 2006 and completed her subspecialty training in Palliative Medicine in 2010.
