Tangoing with mosquitoes to end dengue’s deadly dance

By Nicole Lim, Senior editor

Large pandemics are statistically more likely than we thought
Menchie Manuel (left) and Milly Choy (right) speak to MEDICUS - the Podcast about caring for mosquitoes and what we can learn from this insect

In this episode, we venture into the Duke-NUS insectary, where healthy mosquitoes are grown to help researchers shed light on how viruses—in particular flaviviruses like dengue, chikungunya and Zika—react to new vaccines and even treatments when they are in the mosquito. 


We also find out which common insect repellents work and which ones will leave you scratching countless bites.


Joining us in this episode are:

  • Ms Menchie Manuel, Laboratory Technologist at the insectary at Duke-NUS

You can also listen to MEDICUS - the Podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify.
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