Flow Cytometry Core Facility
Other than the BDFACS Aria II sorter(s), all equipment require training by core facility staff before independent operation is permitted. For more information, please contact us at Duke-NUS Flow Cytometry Core Facility. The facility is managed by Mr Lim Ze Ming.
BD LSRFortessa™

- Instrument configuration: 5-laser (Blue/Red/Violet/Yellow-Green/UV)
- Able to detect up to 18 parameters at one time
- Users trained by core facility staff may operate independently
- Description: Conventional flow cytometer with pressure-driven fluidics system using the BD FACSDiva™ software that is common across other BD FACS™ instruments
- Advantages:
- Octagon and trigon-shaped arrangement of optical filters maximise signal detection and increased sensitivity, allowing for identification of rare and dim cell populations
- Arrangement allows filter changes to be easily made as necessary, does not require realignment of lasers to do so
Location: Duke-NUS Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Level 6 Bench 28
Cytek Aurora

- Instrument configuration: 5-laser (Blue/Red/Violet/Yellow-Green/UV)
- Able to detect up to 64 parameters at one time
- Users trained by core facility staff may operate independently
- Description: Flow cytometer that utilises full spectrum technology that allows use of wide range of fluorochrome combinations to be used in a single panel
- Advantages:
- Measurement of ‘spectral fingerprint’ allows separation and identification of signals that may not be able to be differentiated on a conventional cytometer, such as APC and Alexa Fluor 647
- Use of avalanche photodiodes (APDs) allow for greater sensitivity of flurochromes
- Allows for automation of tube recording via use of tube rack and plate loader with autosampler. Able to accommodate use of both tubes and 96-384 well plates
Location: Duke-NUS Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Level 6 Bench 28

- Instrument configuration: 3-laser (Blue/Violet/Yellow)
- Able to detect up to 8 parameters at one time
- Users trained by core facility staff may operate independently
- Description: Compact flow cytometer with uniquely configured optical bench, allows for better detection of fluorescent proteins
- Advantages:
- Optimal excitation of PE and PE tandem dyes, and requires minimal compensation for FITC/GFP and PE conjugates
- Allows for automation of tube recording via use of tube rack and plate loader with autosampler. Able to accommodate use of both tubes and 96-well plates
Location: Duke-NUS Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Level 7 Koji Itahana Lab
Cell Sorters

- Instrument configuration: 5-laser (Blue/Red/Violet/Yellow-Green/UV)
- Able to detect up to 18 parameters at one time
- Sorting services to be handled by trained operator only
- Description: Conventional cell-sorting flow cytometer with the use of pressure-driven fluidics system using the BD FACSDiva™ software that is common across other BD FACS™ instruments
- Advantages:
- Use of fixed-alignment flow cell that is coupled together with an objective lens results in improved collection efficiency and increase the sensitivity and resolution needed for multicolour applications
- Designed to allow high speed sorts at optimum rate of 15,000 events/s, and able to collect into a variety of vessels, from 1.5mL Eppendorf tubes to 15mL Falcon tubes, along with directly sorting in up to 384-well plates
Location: Duke-NUS Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Level 6 Bench 28
BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter

- Instrument configuration: 3-laser (Blue/Red/Yellow-Green)
- Able to detect up to 8 parameters at one time
- Users trained by core facility staff may operate independently
- Description: Simplified conventional flow cytometer with automation technology using the BD Chorus™ software that guides the user through the entire sorting process with an intuitive interface
- Advantages:
- Elimination of manual steps and automation allows users who are new to the instrument to be able to follow the directions and perform sorting efficiently
- Housed in a BSC hood that allows users to perform sorting on cells containing viral load
- Designed to allow high speed sorts at optimum rate of 15,000 events/s, and able to collect into a variety of vessels, from 1.5mL Eppendorf tubes to 15mL Falcon tubes, along with directly sorting in up to 384-well plates
Location: Academia Level 13, Bench 5B
BD FACSAria™ III (for viral sorting)

- Instrument configuration: 5-laser (Blue/Red/Violet/Yellow-Green/UV)
- Able to detect up to 18 parameters at one time
- Sorting services to be handled by trained operator only
- Description: Conventional cell-sorting flow cytometer with the use of pressure-driven fluidics system using the BD FACSDiva™ software that is common across other BD FACS™ instruments
- Advantages:
- Use of fixed-alignment flow cell that is coupled together with an objective lens results in improved collection efficiency and increase the sensitivity and resolution needed for multicolour applications
- Housed in a BSC hood that allows users to perform sorting on cells containing viral load
- Designed to allow high speed sorts at optimum rate of 15,000 events/s, and able to collect into a variety of vessels, from 1.5mL Eppendorf tubes to 15mL Falcon tubes, along with directly sorting in up to 384-well plates
Location: Duke-NUS Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Level 6 #06-26A