A photograph of a zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo about 24 hours after fertilisation. The zebrafish embryo is completely transparent, which is very useful to scientists studying biological development // Credit: istock.com / MichalRenee
Seeing right through: A clear-eyed vision
Insisting upon working with zebrafish was tricky—Manser’s laboratory did not use them—but that did not deter Tay either. She ultimately earned her PhD at the National University of Singapore with the work at Manser’s lab, while simultaneously learning to work with zebrafish from another laboratory.
The zebrafish fascination did not stop there. Post-PhD, she found Dr Jeffrey Amack, based in Syracuse, New York, in the depths of the ‘Zfin’, or global zebrafish network system. Before bidding farewell to Manser, though, a new dilemma appeared.
Having just obtained their PhDs in Singapore and Melbourne respectively, Tay and her husband were determined to settle in the same place.
“I had a two-body problem. It was a husband problem. He was having a challenging time finding a postdoctoral position in the same city, and we had just gotten married.”
Fortunately, Amack was anxious to have Tay join his laboratory, and connected Tay’s husband to SUNY’s Centre for Vision Research. Being in close contact as spouses and professional counterparts, Tay’s husband recounts, had its ups and downs.