
Saturday, 05 Oct, 2024

How Singapore is preparing for a super aged society come 2026

Not only is Singapore’s ageing population growing, but the demographic profile of its elderly is also changing — they are living longer, ageing healthier and tend to be more highly-educated and more affluent than earlier cohorts, which could give rise to differing expectations and needs as they age.

As Dr Ad Maulod, a senior research fellow at Duke-NUS Medical School’s Centre for Ageing Research and Education, noted: “Older Singaporeans are not a homogenous monolithic, they are incredibly diverse, and will become more so in the future.”

Getting to grips with ageing has taken on an added urgency, with the country projected to attain “super aged” status in 2026, as more than one in five here is expected to be 65 years old or older. By 2030, one in four Singaporeans will be aged 65 or above.

Read the full article here

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