Research Detail

Panel on Health and Ageing of Singaporean Elderly (PHASE) Waves 1

Wave 1 is also known as the Social Isolation, Health and Lifestyles Survey (SIHLS) (2009).

Panel on Health and Ageing of Singaporean Elderly (PHASE) is a longitudinal panel study that aims to develop a profile of the changes in physical, social and mental health of Singaporeans (citizens and permanent residents) aged 60 years or more. The panel study was initiated in 2009, enrolling and interviewing a nationally representative sample of 4,990 community-dwelling elderly Singaporeans (Wave 1). The same set of elderly Singaporeans was then interviewed for a 2nd time in 2011 (Wave 2) and the 3rd time in 2015 (Wave 3).

Specific Objectives
To determine the extent of social isolation among elderly Singaporeans, and changes with time, within and between income groups.
To understand the interactions among health status, income, social engagement, housing, network support and loneliness.
To understand the constraints on and channels for social participation and to identify preferences for preventing and responding to isolation.

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