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Centre for Computational Biology

Guo Jing

Research Fellow


Jing is a computation biologist. She works on Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS) analysis in diabetic nephropathy and single-cell transcriptomics in kidney disease. She is part of The Diabetes Study in Nephropathy and other Microvascular Complications (DYNAMO) project, aimed at improving understanding of diabetic kidney disease to identify new potential treatments for kidney complications from diabetes.

  1. J Guo, OJL. Rackham, N Sandholm, Bing He, AM Österholm, E Valo, V Harjutsalo, C Forsblom, I Toppila, M Parkkonen, Q Li, W Zhu, N Harmston, S Chothani, MK. Öhman, E Eng, Y Sun, E Petretto, P-H Groop and K Tryggvason. Whole-Genome Sequencing of Finnish Type 1 Diabetic Siblings Discordant for Kidney Disease Reveals DNA Variants associated with Diabetic Nephropathy. JASN February 2020, 31 (2) 309-323; DOI:
  2. Rodriguez, P.Q., Unnersjö-Jess, D., Zambrano, S.S. Guo,J.,  Möller-Hackbarth, K., Blom,H., Jahnukainen, T., Ebarasi, L. & Patrakka,J. Inactivation of mediator complex protein 22 in podocytes results in intracellular vacuole formation, podocyte loss and premature death. Sci Rep 10, 20037 (2020).
  3. C Boreström; AJonebring ;J Guo; H Palmgren; L Cederblad; A Forslöw; A Svensson; M Söderberg; A Reznichenko; J Nyström; J Patrakka; R Hick; M Maresca; B Valastro and A Collén. A CRISP(e)R view on kidney organoids allows generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell–derived kidney model for drug discovery. Kidney International 2018. DOI:
  4. Zambrano, S., Rodriguez, P.Q., Guo, J. Möller-Hackbarth K, Schwarz A & Patrakka J. FYVE domain-containing protein ZFYVE28 regulates EGFR-signaling in podocytes but is not critical for the function of filtration barrier in mice. Sci Rep 8, 4712 (2018).
  5. Zhang X., Mofers A., Hydbring P., Hägg Olofsson M., Guo J., Linder S., D’Arcy P. MYC is downregulated by a mitochondrial checkpoint mechanism. Oncotarget. 2017; 8:90225-90237.