Transforming medical communication with our storytelling


At MEDICUS, storytelling is not just about the transmission of information; it’s an art form that breathes life into facts and figures. It’s a craft that builds bridges between the complex world of healthcare and the daily lives of those it aims to serve. This commitment to narrative excellence recently earned Dr Li Min Chua an honourable mention at the APEX Awards for her profile of Professor Lok Shee Mei, showcasing our continual pursuit of journalistic and scientific excellence.

In keeping with our tradition of rich storytelling, Nicole Lim, in our lead story, expertly traces the unexpected journey of influenza viruses from birds to cows. Her narrative explores the intricate dance of viral evolution and adaptation, revealing the broader implications for pandemic preparedness. It’s a story that underscores the necessity of vigilance and innovation in our responses to infectious diseases.

This issue also shines a light on the pioneering efforts at Duke-NUS to combat chronic inflammatory diseases. Driven by the discovery of interleukin-11 or IL11 as a key player in ageing and disease, our scientists are at the forefront of developing novel therapeutics that promise to extend healthspan and improve quality of life. This research not only highlights our commitment to cutting-edge science but also to the practical applications that can emerge from understanding the fundamental mechanisms of biology.

The dialogue between global health leaders and our academic community continues with an exclusive interview with the 2024 Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize laureate, Gertjan Medema. His insights into how wastewater-based epidemiology can inform public health are inspiring, offering a roadmap for how countries can leverage this technology as a valuable surveillance tool for the population and the environment.

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We also delve into the heart of medical education and innovation at Duke-NUS with a feature on the first project funded by our new incubator, LIVE Ventures. Helmed by researchers from our Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders programme, the project targets to identify novel microproteins that are linked to inflammation for the development of anti-inflammatory therapeutics, offering hope to patients with chronic inflammation. This project also caught the eye of 65LAB, a unique new partnership set up to drive scientific advancement and create new biotech ventures from Singapore.

On campus, the spirit of inquiry and discovery is celebrated through the stories of our students and alumni. From the adventures of recent graduates who are navigating the diverse paths of healthcare careers to the innovative research being conducted by our current students, these stories paint a vivid picture of a vibrant academic community that’s dedicated to making a difference.

Each edition of MEDICUS is crafted with the hope that it not only informs but also inspires. As we share these stories, we invite you to explore the connections between science and storytelling, between research and real-world application. In doing so, we reiterate our commitment to not just report on medical advances but to celebrate the human spirit that drives this progress.

So, whether you’re a part of our academic family, a healthcare professional, or simply a curious reader, we hope you find both knowledge and inspiration in these pages. Join us in this journey of discovery and dialogue as we continue to explore the vast landscape of medicine and the many stories it has to tell.


Anirudh Sharma


MEDICUS, the School’s quarterly magazine, goes beyond the latest discoveries in education, research and academic medicine, shining a spotlight on the people whose ideas are shaping the future of science and medicine. In its coverage of Duke-NUS Medical School, a landmark collaboration between Duke University and the National University of Singapore, MEDICUS publishes award-winning stories about the scientists, educators, clinicians, students and alumni who work tirelessly to transform medicine and improve lives for people on the Little Red Dot and around the world.


About the masthead

This issue’s masthead was inspired by the impactful image created when we zoom in on aligned haemagglutinin H5 genetic sequences that code for proteins on the surface of influenza A viruses. These particular H5 sequences were collected from cows and other animals in the US, and in this frame, we focus on the bases that include a genetic signature characteristic of highly pathogenic avian influenzas. These types of influenza viruses generally pose the biggest threat to human and animal health. Find out how influenza A (H5N1) resurged since COVID, spreading into new hosts and precipitating an ecological disaster, or listen to our conversation with a pandemic preparedness expert and a virologist from Cambodia on how to manage living with H5N1.

Photo credit: Adapted from an alignment performed by Associate Professor Yvonne Su of H5 genetic sequences from the 2024 outbreak in the US

Anirudh Sharma

Senior editor
Nicole Lim

Production and
eDM editor
Dr Chua Li Min

Wee Yanshou

Editorial Committee
Chow Wan Cheng, Duke-NUS
Christopher Laing, Duke-NUS
Chua Loo Lin, NUS
Karl Bates, Duke
Jenne Foo, Duke-NUS
Jenny Ang Thar Bin, SingHealth
Luke James, Office of Duke-NUS Affairs @ Duke
Patrick Casey, Duke-NUS
Patrick Tan, Duke-NUS
Reza Shah Bin Mohd Anwar, Duke-NUS
Scott Compton, Duke-NUS

Photography lead
Norfaezah Abdullah 

Digital production
Jessie Chew

Marketing and social 
Sean Firoz

Alice Chia
Dr Chua Li Min
Karl Bates
Nicole Lim
Sruthi Jagannathan
Tan Ruilin

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