Joshua J Gooley

Associate Professor


Contact: 65167430

As Principal Investigator of the Chronobiology and Sleep Laboratory, my primary research interest is to understand the role of the circadian system and sleep in modulating human health, physiology, and cognitive performance. Disruption of circadian rhythms and sleep is associated with negative health outcomes ranging from metabolic disorders to psychiatric illnesses, and also increases risk of occupational and vehicular accidents. Treatments and diagnostic tests for circadian misalignment, sleepiness, and disordered sleep are therefore important for improving health and reducing injuries. With these goals in mind, my research focuses on 3 themes:

1) light regulation of circadian rhythms and other non-visual light responses;

2) effects of circadian rhythms and sleep deprivation on health outcomes; and

3) methods for monitoring and estimating cognitive responses to sleep deprivation.

2021 Selvalatchmanan J, Rukmini AV, Ji S, Triebl A, Gao L, Bendt AK, Wenk MR,Gooley JJ*, Torta F*. Variability of lipids in human milk. *Co-corresponding authors. Metabolites. Accepted, February 9.

2020 Rukmini AV, Jos A, Yeo SC, Lee N, Mo D, Karamchedu S, Gooley JJ. Circadian regulation of breath alcohol concentration. Sleep. Online ahead of print (Dec 11).

2020 Van Lee L, Chia A, Phua D, Colega M, Padmapriya, Bernard JY, Cai S, Tham EKH, 
Teoh OH, Goh D, Gooley JJ, Gluckman PD, Yap F, Shek LP, Godfrey KM, Tan KH, Chong YS, Mueller-Riemenschneider F, Broekman B, Meaney M, Chen H, Chong MF. Multiple modifiable lifestyle factors and the risk of perinatal depression during pregnancy: Findings from the GUSTO cohort. Compr Psychiatry.  2020;103:152210.

2020 Lo JC, Leong R, Ng A, Azrin JS, Ong JL, Shohreh G, Lau TY, Chee N, Gooley JJ, Chee M. Cognitive effects of split and continuous sleep schedules in adolescents differ according to total sleep opportunity. Sleep. 2020;43(12):zsaa129.

2020 Yeo SC, Tan J, Lo JC, Chee MWL, Gooley JJ. Associations of time spent on homework or studying with nocturnal sleep behavior and depression symptoms in adolescents from Singapore. Sleep Health. 2020;6(6):758-766.

2020 Lee PY, Liu LH, Ho C, Ang AJF, Huang HX, Teoh OH, Tan KH, Lee YS, Yap F, Gooley JJ, Chan SY, Cai S. Antenatal sleep quality associates with perinatal outcomes in women of advanced maternal age. Sleep Health. 2020;6(1):60-64.

2020 Grant LK, Gooley JJ, St Hilaire MA, Rajaratnam SMW, Brainard GC, Czeisler CA, Lockley SW, Rahman SA. Menstrual phase-dependent differences in neurobehavioral performance: The role of temperature, progesterone and the progesterone/estradiol ratio. Sleep. 2020;43(2):zsz227.

2020 van Rijn E, Koh, SYJ, Ng ASC, Vinogradova K, Chee NIYN, Lee SM, Lo JC,Gooley JJ, Chee MWL. Evaluation of an interactive school-based sleep educationprogram: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Sleep Health. 2020;6(2):137-144.

2019 St Hilaire MA, Kristal BS, Rahman SA, Sullivan JP, Quackenbush J, Duffy JF,Barger LK, Gooley JJ, Czeisler CA, Lockley SW. Using a single daytimeperformance test to identify most individuals at high-risk for performance impairmentduring extended wake. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):16681.

2019 Rahman SA, Grant LK, Gooley JJ, Rajaratnam SMW, Czeisler CA, Lockley SW.Endogenous circadian regulation of female reproductive hormones. J Clin EndocrinolMetab. 2019;5(3):257-265.

2019 ECP Chua, Sullivan JP, Duffy JF, Klerman EB, Lockley SW, Kristal B, Czeisler CA,Gooley JJ. Classifying attentional vulnerability to total sleep deprivation usingbaseline features of Psychomotor Vigilance Test performance. Sci Rep.2019;9(1):12102.

2019 Tham EKH, Richmond J, Gooley JJ, Jafar NK, Chong YS, Yap F, Teoh OH, GohDYT, Broekman BFP, Rifkin-Graboi A. Variations in habitual sleep and relationalmemory in 6-month-olds. Sleep Health. 2019;5(3):257-265.

2019 Chang, AM, Duffy JF, Buxton OM, Lane JM, Aeschbach D, Anderson C, BjonnesAC, Cain SW, Cohen DA, Frayling TM, Gooley JJ, Jones SE, Klerman EB, LockleySW, Munch M, Rajaratnam SMW, Rueger M, Santhi N, Scheuermaier K, WeedonMN, Van Reen E, Czeisler CA, Scheer FAJL, Saxena R. Chronotype genetic variantin PER2 influences intrinsic circadian period in humans. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):5350.

2019 Rukmini AV, Chew MC, Finkelstein M, Atalay E, Baskaran M, Nongpiur ME,Gooley JJ, Aung T, Milea D, Najjar RP. Effects of low and moderate refractive errorson chromatic pupillometry. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):4945.

2019 Lo JC, Twan DCK, Karamchedu S, Lee XK, Ong JL, van Rijn E, Gooley JJ*, CheeMWL*. Differential effects of split and continuous sleep on vigilance and glucosetolerance in sleep-restricted adolescents. Sleep. 2019;42(5):zsz037. *Co-corresponding authors.

2019 St. Hilaire MA, Rahman SA, Gooley JJ, Witt-Enderby P, Lockley SW. Relationshipbetween melatonin and bone resorption rhythms in premenopausal women. J BoneMiner Metab. 2019;37(1):60-71.

2019 Yeo SC, Jos AM, Erwin C, Lee SM, Lee XK, Lo JC, Chee MWL, Gooley JJ.Associations of sleep duration on school nights with self-rated health, overweight, anddepression symptoms in adolescents: Problems and possible solutions. SleepMedicine. 2019;60:96-108.

2018 Vidafar P, Gooley JJ, Burns AC, Rajaratnam SMW, Rueger M, Van Reen E, CzeislerCA, Lockley SW, Cain SW. Increased vulnerability to attentional failure during acutesleep deprivation in women depends on menstrual phase. Sleep. 2018; 41(8):zsy098.2018 Lo JC, Lee SM, Lee XK, Sasmita K, Chee NIYN, Tandi J, Cher WS, Gooley JJ,Chee MWL. Sustained benefits of delaying school start time on adolescent sleep andwell-being. Sleep. 2018;41(6):zsy098.

2018 Najjar R, Sharma S, Atalay E, Rukmini A, Sun C, Lock JZ, Baskaran M, Perera S,Husain R, Lamoureux E, Gooley JJ, Aung T, Milea D. Pupillary responses to fullfieldchromatic stimuli are reduced in patients with early-stage primary open-angleglaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2018;125(9):1362-1371.

2018 Patanaik A, Ong JL, Gooley JJ, Ancoli-Israel S, Chee MWL. An end-to-endframework for real-time automatic sleep stage classification. Sleep.2018;41(5):zsy041.