Prof Tan Kok Hian

Asian HEAL Faculty

Faculty Profile

Professor Tan Kok Hian



Group Director & Senior Associate Dean
SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute for Patient Safety & Quality
Head & Senior Consultant
Perinatal Audit & Epidemiology, Maternal Fetal Medicine, KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH)


Prof KH Tan is Group Director & Senior Associate Dean, SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute for Patient Safety & Quality (IPSQ) and Advisor to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Patient Safety & Risk Council.  He is Senior Consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine Department and Head of Perinatal Audit & Epidemiology in KKH. He received the WHO United Arab Emirates (WHO-UAE) Health Foundation Prize 2009 as Integrated Perinatal Care Project Team Leader for KKH in 2009 and the Singapore Inaugural National Outstanding Clinical Quality Activist Award in 2010. Prof Tan is conferred the Benjamin Henry Sheares Professorship by NUS since 2019 for his outstanding contributions in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

Prof Tan initiated the SingHealth Patient Advocacy Network (SPAN) in 2017 and currently serves as Advisor. He led 2 large scale SingHealth staff surveys (Resilience in Academic Medicine) on burnout, empathy, sleep and civility in 2019 and 2022. Prof Tan is MOH Cluster Deployment Lead (CDL) for SingHealth in Singapore Ensure Safer System (ESS) national framework to advance Singapore Healthcare towards high reliability since 2021. He is Program Director of Duke-NUS Medical School Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety & Healthcare Quality; and NUS Graduate Diploma and NUS Master’s in Patient Safety & Healthcare Quality since 2023.

Prof Tan is a member of the expert group on Patient Safety for World Health Organization since 2018 and has served as a technical consultant in patient safety and healthcare quality for the MOH in Sri Lanka and Maldives. He is actively involved in the WHO Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030 (GPSAP) and initiated an MOU in 2023 for SingHealth to work with WHO in the creation of Global Knowledge Sharing Platform for Patient Safety (GKPS) for global sharing of best practices (

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