OJL Rackham, SR Langley, T Oates, E Vradi, N Harmston, PK Srivastava, J Behmoaras, P Dellaportas*, L Bottolo, E Petretto*. "A Bayesian approach for analysis of whole-genome bisulphite sequencing data identifies disease-associated changes in DNA methylation" Genetics 205(4):1443-1458 (2017) (* = corresponding author) IF 5.69
Web link for this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5378105/
Web link for editorial: http://www.genetics.org/content/205/4/NP
AWT Ng, SL Poon, MN Huang, JQ Lim, A Boot, W Yu, Y Suzuki, S Thangaraju, CCY. Ng, P Tan, S-T Pang, H-Y Huang, M-Ch Yu, P-H Lee1, S-Y Hsieh1*, AY Chang1*, BT Teh*,SG Rozen*."Aristolochic acids and their derivatives are widely implicated in liver cancers in Taiwan and throughout Asia" Sci Transl Med in press (2017) IF 16.79
S Ghosh, LA Forney, D Wanders, KP Stone, TW Gettys. "An integrative analysis of tissue-specific transcriptomic and metabolomics responses to short-term dietary methionine restriction in mice" PLOS ONE https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177513 (2017) IF 2.80
H Li, L Venkatraman, BC Narmada, JK White, H Yu , L Tucker-Kellogg. "Computational analysis reveals the coupling between bistability and the sign of a feedback loop in a TGF-β1 activation model" BMC Syst Biol, in press (2017) IF 2.30
Z Bai, X Chai, MJ Yoon, HJ Kim, KA Lo, Z Zhang, D Xu, DTC Siang, ACE Walet, S Xu, SY Chia, P Chen, H Yang, S Ghosh*, L Sun. "Dynamic transcriptome changes during adipose tissue energy expenditure reveal critical roles for long noncoding RNA regulators" PLOS Biology 15(8):e2002176 doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2002176 (2017) (* = corresponding author) IF 9.79
Web link for this paper: http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.2002176
B Pontes, P Monzo, L Gole, AL Le Roux, AJ Kosmalska, ZY Tam, W Luo, S Kan, V Viasnoff, P Roca-Cusachs, L Tucker-Kellogg, N Gauthier. "Membrane tension controls lamellipodial buckling and adhesion positioning at leading edge of cells" J of Cell Biol (ePub 7 July 2017). IF 9.78
Web link for this paper: http://jcb.rupress.org/content/early/2017/07/28/jcb.201611117
LD Ler, S Ghosh, X Chai, AA Thike, HL Heng, EY Siew, S Dey, LK Koh, JQ Lim, WK Lim, SS Myint, JL Loh, P Ong, XX Sam, D Huang, T Lim, PH Tan, S Nagarajan, CWS Cheng, H Ho, LG Ng, J Yuen, P-H Lin, C-K Chuang, Y-H Chang, W-H Weng, SG Rozen, P Tan, CL Creasy, S-T Pang, MT McCabe, SL Poon, BT Teh. "Loss of tumor suppressor KDM6A amplifies PRC2-regulated transcriptional repression in bladder cancer and can be targeted through inhibition of EZH2" Sci Transl Med 9: eaai8312 (2017) IF 16.79
Web link for this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28228601
C-C Hon, JA Ramilowski, J Harshbarger, N Bertin, OJL Rackham,…,ARR Forrest "An atlas of human long non-coding RNAs with accurate 5` ends". Nature 543:199-204 (2017) IF 40.13
Web link for this paper: https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v543/n7644/full/nature21374.html
S Schafer, A De Marvao, E Adami, LR Fiedler, B Ng, E Khin, OJL Rackham,…, SA Cook "Titin truncating variants affect heart function in disease cohorts and the general population"Nat Genet, 49:46-53 (2017) IF 27.95
Web link for this paper: https://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v49/n1/abs/ng.3719.html
MN Huang, W Yu, WW Teoh, M Ardin, A Jusakul, A Ng, A Boot, B Abedi-Ardekani, S Villar, SS Myint, R Othman, SL Poon, A Heguy, M Olivier, M Hollstein, P Tan, BT Teh, K Sabapathy, J Zavadil, S Rozen. "Genome-scale mutational signatures of aflatoxin in cells, mice and human tumors" Genome Res doi:10.1101/gr.220038.116 (2017) IF 11.35
Web link for this paper: http://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2017/06/21/gr.220038.116?cited-by=yes&legid=genome;gr.220038.116v1
ML Krishnan, J Van Steenwincke, A-L Schang, J Yan, J Arnadottir, T Le Charpentier, Z Csaba, P Dournaud, S Cipriani, C Auvynet, L Titomanlio, J Pansiot, G Ball, JP Boardman, AJ Walley, A Saxena, G Mirza, B Fleiss, AD Edwards*, E Petretto*, P Gressens*. "Integrative genomics of microglia implicates DLG4 (PSD95) in the white matter development of preterm infants" Nat Commun 8 (2017) (* = corresponding author) IF 12.12
Web link for this paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-00422-w
A Jusakul, I Cutcutache, CH Yong, JQ Lim, MN Huang, N Padmanabhan, V Nellore, S Kongpetch, AWT Ng, LM Ng, SP Choo, SS Myint, R Thanan, S Nagarajan, WK Lim, CCY Ng, A Boot, M Liu, CK Ong, V Rajasegaran, S Lie, AS-T Lim, TH Lim, J Tan, MJ Liang, J Mcpherson, N Khuntikeo, V Bhudhisawasdi, P Yongvanit, S Wongkham, Y Totoki, H Nakamura, Y Arai, S Yamasaki, P Chow, AYF Chung, LLPJ Ooi, T Lim, S Dima, D Duda, I Popescu, P Broet, S-Y Hsieh, M-C Yu, A Scarpa, J Lai, D Luo, AL Carvalho, A Vettore, H Rhee, YN Park, L Alexandrov, R Gordan*, S Rozen*, T Shibata*, C Pairojkul*, BT Teh*, P Tan*. "Whole-genome and epigenomic landscapes of etiologically distinct subtypes of cholangiocarcinoma" Cancer Discov doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-17-0368 (2017) (* = corresponding author) IF 19.78
Web link for this paper: http://cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2017/06/30/2159-8290.CD-17-0368
PK Srivastava, M Bagnati, A Delahaye-Duriez, J-H Ko, M Rotival, SR Langley, K Shkura, M Mazzuferi, B Danis, J van Eyll, P Foerch, J Behmoaras, RM Kaminski, E Petretto*, MR Johnson*. "Genome-wide analysis of differential RNA editing in epilepsy" Genome Res 27(3):440-450 (2017) (* = corresponding author) IF 11.92
Web link for this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5340971/