For Duke-NUS Researchers

The process below will be tracked according to a series of milestones deemed essential for translating each discovery. CTeD will regularly review progress towards these milestones with Duke-NUS bio-entrepreneurs and researchers.

CTeD Commercialisation Process

1. Invention Disclosure


When a researcher has devised a new technology (i.e. A new drug or method for diagnosing a disease), the first step is to describe the technology by filing an Invention Disclosure Form (IDF), available for download on this page at the Policies and Forms section. The completed IDF should be sent to our office. CTeD will then evaluate the patentability of your new technology by carrying out basic prior art searches to determine if your invention is novel and useful when compared to similar existing technologies.

2. Assessment of IP


Once a researcher has filed an IDF elaborating the new technology, CTeD may proceed to conduct a more comprehensive Intellectual Property Analysis to assess the existing gaps in the technology landscape. Based on these analyses, the researcher’s future research plans and the commercial potential, CTeD will decide whether to proceed to file and prosecute patent applications to seek grant of patent rights.

3. Development & Gap Funding


CTeD will work closely with you to guide the further commercial development of technology. CTeD will oversee progress towards milestones and achievement of proof of concept. CTeD may provide gap funding for Duke-NUS researchers to aid them in this pursuit.


4. Commercialisation


CTeD can assist researchers in developing a commercialisation strategy for their new technology by conducting market searches, identifying potential industry partners, and providing ongoing strategic support. CTeD will structure and negotiate licensing agreements with identified industry partners. In some cases, you may wish to create a new start-up company to develop marketable products, and CTeD will work with you to license the technology to the start-up company.