Phenomaster Core

About Phenomaster Core

The Duke-NUS Mouse Monitoring Core (MMC) was set up in 2020 to provide platform, service and expertise to support researchers investigating the physiologic phenotypes of experimental mice. The MMC features the PhenoMaster (Next Generation model) from TSE Systems - a multi-modular platform that allows fully automated and perfectly synchronised metabolic, behavioural and physiological monitoring. Our PhenoMaster system performs home cage phenotyping of up to 10 mice simultaneously in a controlled environment, recording physiologic parameters (such as indirect gas calorimetry, food and liquid intake, locomotor activity) at 1-min intervals in complete synchrony.” 

PhenoMaster CaloCage Phenotyping Service provided by the Mouse Monitoring Core (MMC)
Duke-NUS / Academia Internal Pricing: 

Price per session (up to 7 days): $3500 (base price)
Price per additional day: $880 (add-on price)
* Maximum 10 mice per session. 
** Maximum 10 days per session. 

Vivarium, Duke-NUS Medical Research School, 8 College Road, Singapore 169857

Contact information:
Lena Ho, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disorders Programme


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