Pronyk Paul Michael



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Dr Paul Pronyk is an infectious disease physician and global health specialist with 25 years of low- and middle-income country experience. 

Prior to joining SDGHI, Dr Pronyk held senior positions in UNICEF, including as the Chief of Child Survival and Development in Indonesia and the Ebola Response Coordinator in Sierra Leone. At the UNICEF Headquarters in New York, he was the technical lead for the UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities as part of the RMNCH Strategy and Coordination Team, which provided financing and technical support to health systems strengthening efforts in 23 countries in Africa and Asia. 

Dr Pronyk also served as the Director of major cross-disciplinary research programs for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in rural South Africa and The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he supported MDG-acceleration efforts across 10 African countries. 

Dr Pronyk has published widely across a range of disciplines including health systems, data & analytics/digital health, communicable disease control, gender-based violence, child health and nutrition, water & sanitation, social capital and public health ethics.
Major research interests include: 
Health systems research including data & analytics
Communicable disease control and the One Health agenda
Social determinants of health
Implementation Science

1. Johnston LG, Mar P, Wisihastuti AS, Camellia A, Putri TA, Rakhmat FF, Nurwandani RA, Prabhu SM, Pronyk PM. Alarmingly high HIV prevalence among adolescent and young men who have sex with men (MSM) in urban Indonesia. 2021 AIDS & Behaviour June 18 DOI:  10.1007/s10461-021-03347-0

2. Jusril H, Ariawan I, Damayanti R, Lazuardi L, Musa M, Wulandari SM, Pronyk PM, Mechael P. Digital health for real-time monitoring of a national immunization campaign in Indonesia: a large-scale effectiveness evaluation. BMJ Open, 2020;10:e038282. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038282.

3. Odagiri M, Cronin A, Thomas A, Kurniawan MA, Zainal M, Setiabudi W, Gnilo ME, Badloe C, Virgiyanti TD, Wahanudin IA, Mardikanto A, Pronyk PM. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for water and sanitation in Indonesia – results from a five-year large-scale effectiveness evaluation. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 230, 2020.

4. Sitohang V, Sariwati E, Fajariyani SB, Hwang D, Kurnia B, Hapsari RK, Laihad FJ, Sumiwi ME, Pronyk PM, Hawley WA. Malaria elimination in Indonesia: halfway there. Lancet Global Health, 2018. 

5. Samoso RT, Dhenni R, Yohan B, Pronyk PM, Hadinegoro SR, Soepardi EJ, Ma'roef CN, Satari HI, Menzies H, Hawley WA, Powers AM, Rosenberg R, Myint KSA, Soebandrio A. Zika virus seropositivity in 1–4-year-old children, Indonesia, 2014. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2018 Sep;24(9).

6. Pronyk PM, Rogers B, Lee S, et al on behalf of the UNICEF Sierra Leone Response Team. The Effect of Community-Based Prevention and Care on Ebola Transmission in Sierra Leone. Am J Public Health. 106(4):727-32, Apr 2016. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.303020. JIF: 6.4; Times Cited: 40.

7. Pronyk PM, Nemser B, Maliqi B, Springstubb N, Sera D, Karimov R, Katwan E, Walter B, Bijleveld P. The UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities three years on – global progress update and results of a multi-country assessment, Lancet Global Health 4(4) 2016: e276–86.  doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(16)00046-2. JIF: 22.4; Times cited: 30

8. Bijleveld P, Maliqi B, Pronyk PM et al Aligning and coordinating for results: Country perspectives on integrated approaches to RMNCH financing and programming. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2016 May 1;94(5):401-4. doi: 10.2471/BLT.15.168823.

9. Pronyk PM, Muniz M, Nemser B, et al for the MV Study Group. The effect of an integrated multi-sector model for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and improving child survival in rural sub-Saharan Africa: a non-randomized controlled assessment. Lancet 379 (9827): 2179-2188, 2012.

10. Remans R, Pronyk PM, Fanzo JC, Chen J, Palm CA, Nemser B, Muniz M, Radunsky A, Abay AH, PA, Sachs SE, McArthur JW, Sachs JD. A multi-sector intervention to accelerate reductions in child stunting: an observational study from nine sub-Saharan African countries. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October 26, 2011 as doi: 10.3945/ajcn.111.020099

11. Sachs JD, Pronyk PM. Towards a Global Fund for the health MDGs? The Lancet, 373 (9681): 2111, 2009

12. Kim JC, Ferrari G, Abramsky T, Watts CH, Hargreaves JR, Morison LA, Phetla G, Porter JDH, Pronyk PM. Assessing the incremental benefits of combining health and economic interventions: Experience from the IMAGE Study in rural South Africa. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 87: 824-832, 2009.

13. Golub J, Pronyk PM, Mohapi L, Thsabangu N, Moshabela M, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Chaisson RE, Martinson NA.  Isoniazid Preventive Therapy, HAART and tuberculosis risk in HIV-infected adults in South Africa: a prospective cohort. AIDS 23(5): 631-636, 2009.

14. Pronyk PM, Harpham T, Morison LA, Hargreaves JR, Kim JC, Phetla G, Watts C, Porter JDH. Is social capital associated with HIV risk in rural South Africa? Social Science and Medicine 66(9): 1999-2010, 2008. 

15. Pronyk PM, Kim JC, Abramsky T, Phetla G, Hargreaves JR, Morison LA, Busza J, Watts C, Porter JDH. A combined microfinance and training intervention can reduce HIV risk behaviour among young female participants: results from the IMAGE Study. AIDS 22: 1659-1665,2008. 

16. Pronyk PM, Harpham T, Morison LA, Phetla G, Busza J, Hargreaves JR, Kim JC, Watts C, Porter JDH. Can social capital be intentionally generated? A cluster randomized trial from rural South Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 67 (10): 1559-1570, 2008.

17. Hargreaves JR, Bonell CP, Boler T, Boccia D, Birdthistle I, Fletcher A, Pronyk PM, Glynn JR. Systematic review exploring time-trends in the association between educational attainment and risk of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS  22: 403-414, 2008

18. Pronyk PM, Kahn K, Tollman SM. Using the Agincourt HDSS as a platform for understanding the burden of disease in populations - the case of tuberculosis in rural South Africa. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 35 (suppl 69): 45-51, 2007

19. Pronyk PM, Hargreaves JR, Kim JC, Morison LA, Phetla G, Watts C, Busza J, Porter JDH.  Effect of a structural intervention for the prevention of intimate partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: results of a cluster randomized trial, The Lancet, 368, 1973-1983, Dec 2, 2006. 

20. Tsai A, Chopra M, Pronyk PM, Martinson N. Socioeconomic Disparities in Access to HIV/AIDS Treatment Programs in Resource-Limited Settings. AIDS Care 21 (1): 59-63, 2009