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The leading edges of biological sciences, digital technologies, and geopolitical policies are converging to amplify our ability to prevent, diagnose, manage, treat, and monitor health conditions in ways that are timelier and more effective than ever before. Nonetheless, access to novel and established innovations remains profoundly inequitable across the globe, limiting care in countries and communities where they may have most impact. 

Jonas small
: Dr Jonas Karlström

Associate Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School

The reality is that useful health innovations and technologies are often unavailable to the people in greatest need of them.

The SDGHI Innovation Core aims to address that by collaborating with partners to find innovative ways to seed, create, support, adapt, adopt and scale up advancements to accelerate access to healthcare in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Asia and beyond. We are also deeply engaged in creating new capacity building programmes for innovation in Global Health in Asia.

Innovation in Action