
Driving health innovation in Asia-Pacific and beyond

The Asia-Pacific region faces pressing health challenges from pollution, overpopulation, inequality, and climate change which strain health systems and threaten social wellbeing.

At the same time, breakthroughs in biological sciences, digital technologies, and policy are transforming global health. Innovations – like the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines – show the potential for fast-tracked solutions.

Yet, despite this potential, Asia-Pacific at large struggles to adopt new healthcare technologies due to limited resources, regulatory barriers, and gaps in innovation capacity. These challenges impact key areas such as maternal, newborn and child health, infectious disease response, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.

We work with regional and global partners to accelerate high-impact health innovations. By supporting the design, testing, implementation and scaling of new solutions, we aim to overcome systemic barriers and drive transformative healthcare advancements. Our work spans policy, strategy, research, evidence generation and integration — ensuring sustainable impact across diverse health systems.

Our core objectives


a global health focus within existing programs for the design, refinement and introduction of new and existing innovations to respond to major burdens-of-disease across Asia-Pacific countries.


and responding to systems-related requirements that enable the adoption of innovations-at-scale.


local capacity for innovation science among to seed more effective national and regional responses to pressing global health challenges.

Key focus areas

Climate-health innovation

Enabling and supporting an Asia-Pacific network of social impact focused innovators and entrepreneurs with a special focus on innovations relating to heat adaptation and greening the operations of health services.

Health related AI and digital health services

Examining questions of adoption, uptake and integration.

Frugal innovation

Tackling access barriers of affordability and quality in global trauma care and surgery.


Media Release: SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre hosts inaugural Asia-Pacific hackathon on health and climate

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Get in touch

For more information about our innovation programme or to get involved, please contact us at

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