1) Health Services innovation -Improving the performance of health services
2) Health Economics Evaluation – Optimizing the value of health services
3) Qualitative Methods for Health Education Research and Quality Improvement
4) Biodesign & Design Thinking Workshops
1) Palliative Care – Improving palliative care as a skill in demand for community care
2) Clinical Genomics – Increasing capacity and competencies to better counsel patients
3) Patient Safety & Healthcare Quality – Ensuring consistent care of high quality and safety
1) Technology Enhanced Learning – How to integrate technology in the training of healthcare professionals
1) Pharmaceutical Regulation
2) Medical Technology Regulation
3). Product Development and Manufacturing of IVD and SaMD
– supporting new products for patients from concept to patient
1) Graduate Certificate in Global Health Practice in Asia
For the busy healthcare professional like you, you have the flexibility to enroll in just one course or workshop or a series earning certification, stacking certificates to a qualification. We emphasize on hands-on learning and practical application so you can put your new knowledge to work!
1) Master’s in Translational Medicine
2) Master’s in Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality
2) Health Services Innovation
3) Patient Safety and Health Quality
4) Health Economic Evaluation
5) Global Health Practice in Asia
6)Medical Technology Regulation
1) Technology Enhanced Learning
2) Qualitative Methods for Health Education and Research Quality Improvement
3) Product Development and Manufacturing of IVD and SaMD
4)Clinical Genomics
1) Palliative Care for Healthcare Professionals
2) Design Thinking for Healthcare Innovation - Upskilling a multidisciplinary workforce involved in healthcare innovation
1) Certificate in Medical Affairs (JADE)
2) Clinical Research Certificate Programme
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