Wong Kum Cheun

Wong Kum Cheun

Mr Wong Kum Cheun

Head Asia Pacific
Regulatory & Development Policy
Novartis Asia Pacific Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd

Mr Wong Kum Cheun (KC) is Head of Asia Pacific Regulatory & Development Policy for Novartis, leads in the development of regulatory and development policy, and regulatory intelligence for Asia Pacific. He is Co-Chair of Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (SAPI) Regulatory Affairs Committee, Chair of EFPIA ASEAN Regulatory Network. He was Co-Chair of the ASEAN Pharmaceutical Research Industry Association (APRIA) and active member of EFPIA International Regulatory Expert Group (IREG), EFPIA regional regulatory networks (India, Korea-Taiwan), DIA Steering Committee of Singapore, DIA Asia Labelling Community member, ISPE Asia Pacific Focus Group, Steering Committee of Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (APAC), member of APAC RA-EWG, member of Asia Partnership Conference of Regenerative Conference (APACRM) and Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE) Duke-NUS Visiting Expert.

Prior joining Novartis, KC was the Director Global Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Asia Pacific with Janssen of Johnson &Johnson, and formerly Singapore Health Sciences Authority’s Drug Registration Branch’s Deputy Head responsible for leading a team of regulators in the ‘Quality Evaluation and Submissions Section’.

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