Asian Development Bank Projects

Our Goals

CoRE and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have teamed up to strengthen the regulatory systems in the Asia-Pacific region, specifically the low-resourced developing member countries (DMCs).

The overarching goal of this collaboration is to enable access to safe, efficacious and quality health products, through a range of scientific and regulatory activities. This is deployed across the entire product life cycle, including manufacturing and surveillance of therapeutic products for malaria and other communicable disease threats.

Through this collaboration, CoRE aims to build on the work by
the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners to strengthen the capacity and capabilities of regulatory agencies in the Asia-Pacific region.


ADB-CoRE Vaccine Regulation Project, is supported under ADB’s Support to Enhance COVID-19 Vaccine Access by Developing Member Countries (APVAX) programme, with the overarching goal of strengthening the regulatory resilience for public health emergencies. This project aims to inform the Health Sector Group of ADB on the regulatory landscape in Asia and the Pacific, focusing on a review of regulatory systems strengthening in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Singapore, and Korea with a deep-dive review of Bangladesh and Indonesia.

In this project, the team conducted a series of educational, think tank and advisory activities on regulatory systems strengthening work and established a network of vaccine developers, manufacturers and regulators among the Asian Development Bank developing member countries. These activities include an inaugural ADB-CoRE Vaccine Seminar, a regional landscape analysis, two country-specific landscape analyses (Indonesia and Bangladesh) and two workshops for the regulators in the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (FDA). This impactful project has garnered extensive media attention and has been covered in regional media.

Vaccine Regulation Project Highlight and Recommendations
Regional Vaccine Regulatory Landscape Analysis and Recommendations

Capacity Building Workshops

Discover Our Impact in the Region
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Countries Covered

South-East Asian Region (SEAR): Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Korea, Myanmar, Thailand


Western Pacific Region (WPR): Cambodia, Lao PDR, Singapore, Viet Nam

Regulatory Systems Strengthening Work

Malaria Elimination and Communicable Disease Control

Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Potential Outbreaks of Other Communicable Diseases

Policy Briefs & Reports

Capacity Development of National Regulatory Authorities in the Greater Mekong Subregion to Facilitate the Elimination of Malaria

ADB-CoRE Policy: Enhancing Vaccine Regulation for Pandemic Preparedness

ADB-CoRE Policy: Building Sustainable Vaccine Manufacturing Practices in Lower-Resourced Settings

ADB-CoRE Policy Brief: Ensuring Sustainable, Locally Relevant Vaccine R&D in Resource-Limited Settings

Regulation in the age of calamity: Changing the regulatory paradigm

Successes and Opportunities during the Pandemic: Reflections and Revelations from a Vaccine Development Perspective

Science, Innovation, and Society in the Age of Pandemics: Reflections from the Inaugural Sir Alasdair Breckenridge Lecture

ASEAN: Evolving Regulatory Policies and Collaborations in the COVID-19 Era

Improving Access: Singapore's Innovations for COVID-19 Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Global regulatory agility during covid-19 and other health emergencies

29 Apr 2024
Duke-NUS Centre of Regulatory Excellence and Indonesian Food and Drug Authority sign Memorandum of Understanding
28 Jan 2024
Indonesia Part of the Vaccine Regulatory Program in the Asia Pacific Region
13 Nov 2023
How to break the cycle of panic and neglect surrounding pandemics
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