Executive Certificate

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   3 Short Courses
  Duration:  2 days
  All 3 courses are conducted over a
      span of 3-6 months
 For more details: 
Contact us at CoRE_education@duke-nus.edu.sg or
+65 6601 5147 


The development of reliable in-vitro diagnostic kits is an essential component for the effective management of public health needs. The shift towards digital health and precision medicine further highlights the emphasis to support innovation of healthcare applications and diagnostic kits. In supporting the rapid growth of In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices (IVD) and Software as Medical Devices (SaMD), as well as facilitating the access to these important health products to consumers, CoRE presents our Executive Certificate (EC) to cater to professionals in health product development and research, regulation and healthcare services. The EC focuses on the key component in enhancing the entry of these innovations - product development.

The EC consists of three short courses. These short courses are 2-day workshops, containing essential topics for the working professionals, while maintaining a comprehensive scope. The short courses are typically conducted within a 3-6 months period, allowing the candidate to finish the learning journey efficiently.


Please click here to view
  • Calendar 
  • Admission Requirements 
  • Fees

Supported by SSG.

CPE Points Available

Upon successful completion of this programme, registered Singaporean pharmacists, may claim 52 CPE points by emailing SPC@spb.gov.sg with the certificates of completion.

Candidates who complete the three short courses (with minimum Pass grades) will obtain the Executive Certificate. For professionals who are not pursuing the EC, they can choose to attend the specific short course according to their need, without the obligation to finish all three short courses. However, in the event of an overwhelming enrolment, priority may be given to candidates who are pursuing the EC.

Candidates who are pursuing CoRE’s Graduate Certificate in Health Products Regulation (GC) can have the option of using this EC to count towards the requirements for obtaining the GC. This EC is equivalent to 4 Units, or one full course under the GC programme. 

v3 Product Development and Manufacturing of IVD and SaMD (1620 x 250 px)


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v3 EC D&D points


v3 validation & verifaction

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