CoRE Regulatory Perspectives

updated CoRE Perspective

10th Anniversary Scientific Conference Perspectives

Conference Summary
Session 1: Regulating AI and Digital Health
Session 2: Regulating Precision Medicine
Session 3: Regulating for Disease Prevention and Healthy Ageing
Session 4: Partnerships for Effective Regulation

Regulatory Perspectives

Making Sense of Emergency Use Authorisations (EUAs) for Covid-19 Vaccines and Considerations for the Road Ahead
Regulatory Agility and Global Coordination to Meet the Challenge of Covid-19 Variants: Preparing for the Next-Generation Vaccines
Whither ASEAN regulatory agility and convergence in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic?
Regulating Digital Health to Promote Public Health and Innovation in Asia-Pacific
Regulating the Future of Health: CoRE’s Tenth Anniversary Perspective

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