Silke Vogel

Associate Professor

Senior Associate Dean, Graduate Studies; Deputy Director, Centre of Regulatory Excellence


Contact: 66012496

Associate Professor Silke Vogel is Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Studies (PhD and Accredited Programs) at the Duke-National University of Singapore (Duke-NUS) Medical School, Deputy Director of the Duke-NUS Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE) and Head of the Duke-NUS Centre for Lifelong Learning.

As Deputy Director of CoRE, A/Prof Vogel oversees the strategic management of the Centre and leads the education team in driving the development of quality education and training programs such as the Duke-NUS Graduate Certificate program in Health Products Regulation catered to working professionals involved in healthcare and health products regulation. Education is one of CoRE’s key strategies to enhance health regulatory and scientific excellence in Singapore and the wider Asia-Pacific and South-East Asia regions.

As Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, A/Prof Vogel oversees the administrative, academic, and educational affairs of the three PhD programs in Duke-NUS, advancing new programmes and initiatives such as the development of new accredited programs supporting life-long learning for professionals. She also leads the school’s career development programme for graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows. Prior to her current role, A/Prof Vogel first joined Duke-NUS Medical School in 2012 to lead the implementation of Voice Annotated Presentations as well as facilitate various clinical research projects.

A/Prof Vogel is a Fellow at the NUS Teaching Academy, a think-tank comprising like-minded educators who are committed to building a culture of high-quality teaching at NUS. She is a member of the Education Executive Committee within the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Center (AMC) and co-chair of the Centres of Excellence (CoEs) Coalition under the APEC Life Sciences Innovation Forum Regulatory Harmonization Steering Committee (LSIF RHSC). In addition, she is a regional editor for the Drug Information Association’s (DIA) digital magazine Global Forum.

Prior to joining Duke-NUS Medical School, A/Prof Vogel received her PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut, and subsequently completed her postdoctoral training in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Columbia University. She continued at the Department of Medicine at Columbia University as Assistant Professor (tenure track), directing a research laboratory with a focus on understanding factors involved in the development of obesity and insulin resistance. During this time, she also taught Master of Science students and health care professionals in the Institute of Human Nutrition, and initiated the use of online learning resources in the classroom.