Project Title
Health Services Research Project
Project Period
April 2022 - March 2025
Project Description
There are several global Centres of Excellence established in various fields of healthcare such as clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, medicines and medical devices regulation. However, very few centres focus on healthcare services regulation. Hence, the Health Regulation Group (HRG) of Singapore’s Ministry of Health is collaborating with the Centre of Regulatory Excellence at Duke-NUS Medical School to expand its capability in promoting regulatory science and policy innovation beyond health product regulation, to include healthcare services regulation. The Ministry envisages that this will strengthen Singapore’s regulatory capability and help Singapore become a regional thought leader in this field.
The main mission of this collaboration is to gather experts in the region to share best practices and build a repository of best practices in healthcare services regulation in Asia. The CoRE team supporting this project would steer the knowledge exchange and networking between academia, non-profit organizations, governmental regulatory agencies and industry via conferences, roundtables, seminars and workshops.
Current focus
The current focus of the team at CoRE is to identify and assess the patient safety and public interest impact and risks in the changing healthcare landscape and from emerging areas of healthcare service models, technologies and fields of biomedical research, both broadly and also in specific areas such as cell and gene therapy and digital health.
As part of this project, CoRE co-hosted the 32nd European Partnership of Supervisory Organisations in Health Services and Social Care (EPSO) conference with MOH, Singapore and supported by EPSO. On the theme of “Health Regulations for the Digital Frontier and Changing Climate”, the conference covered topics on Digital Health Regulation, Innovation in Regulatory Practice and Climate Sustainability and Health Regulation.
The conference also marked the first EPSO conference held in Asia-Pacific, with a view to extend outreach to supervisory organisations in the region and resulted in the formation of an APAC Network of Healthcare Regulators to facilitate regulatory knowledge exchange and cross-border training programmes amongst members.