Centre of Regulatory Excellence - Resources


Wednesday, 02 Oct, 2019

Integrating Patient Engagement into Healthcare and Access to Medicines in the Asia-Pacific Region

The Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE) at Duke-NUS Medical School and FasterCures, a Center of the Milken Institute co-hosted an inaugural roundtable on patient engagement in healthcare and access to medicines in the Asia-Pacific region on October 2, 2019 in Singapore. This event brought together 56 participants and observers from 13 countries representing patient groups, ministries of health, national regulatory agencies, clinicians, healthcare administrators, academics and industry. The roundtable launched a regional multi-stakeholder platform for accelerating patient engagement in Asia-Pacific. This is part of the important global conversation happening among health system stakeholders on the value of engaging patients and involving them in medical research, product development throughout the lifecycle and healthcare provision. In Asia, patient group mobilisation and interaction with governments, regulators and companies is in a relatively nascent stage, but at a point ripe for expanding patients’ visibility and role.

Click here to download report

CoRE CN: 2019_R005_CoRE_Integrating Patient Engagement into Healthcare and Access to Medicines in the Asia-Pacific Region

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