Visiting Fellows @ PERC

Visiting Fellows @ PERC

Research Fellows @ PERC

Journey from Visiting Fellow to Research Fellow

Hi! I am Yohei Okada came from Kyoto, Japan.

I have worked as a postdoctoral research fellow since Oct 2022 supervised by Prof Marcus Ong. My research interest is resuscitation and emergency medical systems.

I am a father of three kids (7 years old boy, 3 years old boy and 1 year girl) and living with my wife in the east area. On our holiday, we enjoy swimming in the pool and exploring the amazing places in Singapore.

We are looking forward to working together.

Research Interest: Clinical epidemiology, prediction model, especially in emergency medicine and resuscitation

Dr Yohei Okada

Visiting Fellow

Visiting Fellow

Ms Haruka Takahashi

I am a paramedic in Japan and obtained my master's degree while working as a paramedic in a hospital. Currently, I am a PhD student in Nippon Sports Science University, Japan, specializing in emergency systems. I have started a one-year visiting research internship at Duke-NUS starting July 1, 2024. 

Please show me some recommended places and delicious food in Singapore! I would love to talk about research collaboration, sharing ideas and many other topics with everyone. I look forward to working with you all!

Main Research: Emergency system, heatstroke, dispatcher-assisted CPR

Interest Topic: Emergency system in low-income and middle-income countries

Visiting Fellow

Ms Li Yue


I am a three-year PhD majoring in Health Service Management at Tianjin University of China.

I will stay in Singapore for one year as Professor Marcus’ student and co-train for PhD. I look forward to learning and exchanging ideas with everyone.

Doctoral research project: Risk assessment and health management strategy of sudden cardiac death high risk group in elderly people in the community

Visiting Fellow

Dr Yu Guangwei


I am a physician in Emergency Department at Fujian Medical University Union Hospital. I will stay in NUS for half year as visiting scholar under the guidance of Professor Marcus. I look forward to learning and exchanging ideas with everyone.


Guangwei Yu

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