Dr. Shirlyn Hui-Shan NEO
Clinical Assistant Professor
Academic Qualifications: MBBS, National University of Singapore (2007), MRCP (UK), 2010, MMed (Singapore), 2010 FAMS (2019)
Email: shirlyn.neo.h.s@singhealth.com.sg
Brief Biography:
Current Position: Consultant (Division of Supportive and Palliative Care, National Cancer Centre Singapore); Clinical Assistant Professor (Duke-NUS Medical School); Clinical Lecturer (NUS Medicine)
Employment History: MOHH (2007 to 2012), Singhealth (2012 to currently)
Academic Qualifications: MBBS, National University of Singapore (2007), MRCP (UK), 2010, MMed (Singapore), 2010 FAMS (2019)
Research Interests: Health services research; pharmacological treatment of dyspnea
Current Position: Consultant (Division of Supportive and Palliative Care, National Cancer Centre Singapore); Clinical Assistant Professor (Duke-NUS Medical School); Clinical Lecturer (NUS Medicine)
Employment History: MOHH (2007 to 2012), Singhealth (2012 to currently)
Research Interests: Health services research; pharmacological treatment of dyspnea
Publications in the last 5 years (Selected publications) (full profile: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=P3fcXW8AAAAJ&hl=en)
- Yang GM, Neo SH, Lim SZ, Krishna LK. Effectiveness of Hospital Palliative Care Teams for Cancer Inpatients: A Systematic Review. J Palliat Med. 2016 Nov;19(11):1156-1165. (JIF: 2.477)
- Neo SH, Pang GS, Neo PS. Dyspnea- can we do more? A view from a tertiary hospital palliative care service. Progr Palliat Care. 2016 Jul;24(6):305-309. (JIF: 0.880)
- Yang GM, Kanesvaran R, Neo SH, et al. Pilot study of a palliative care and medical oncology co-rounding model for advanced cancer inpatients in a tertiary hospital in Singapore. J Palliat Med. 2017 Aug 3. (JIF: 2.477)
- Sng JH, Pei Y, Toh YP, Peh TY, Neo SH, Krishna LKR. Mentoring relationships between senior physicians and junior doctors and/or medical students: a thematic review. Med Teach. 2017 Aug;39(8):866-875. (JIF: 2.706)
- Yang GM, Teo I, Neo SH, Tan D and Cheung YB. Pilot Randomized Phase II Trial of the Enhancing Quality of Life in Patients (EQUIP) Intervention for Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2018;35(8):1050-1056. (JIF: 1.655)
- Zhuang Q, Yang GM, Neo SH, Cheung YB. Validity, Reliability and Diagnostic accuracy of the Respiratory Distress Observation Scale for assessment of dyspnea in adult palliative care patients. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019;57(2): 304-310. (JIF 3.249)
- Cheung YB, Neo SH, Teo I, Yang GM, Lee GL, Thumboo J, Chia JWK, Koh ARX, Qu DLM, Che WWL, Lau A, Wee HL. Development and evaluation of a quality of life measurement scale in English and Chinese for family caregivers of patients with advanced cancers. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2019;17(1):35. (2.278)
- Yang GM, Neo SH, Teo I, Lee GL, Thumboo J, Chia J, Lau A, Koh A, Qu D, Che W, Wee HL, Glajchen M, Cheung YB. Exploring the Score Equivalence of the English and Chinese Versions of the Brief Assessment Scale for Caregivers. Journal of Patient Experience. 2019
- Neo SH, Yang GM, Kanesvaran R, Cheung YB. Translation and validation of the 10-item FAMCARE scale to assess satisfaction of family caregivers with care given to cancer patients. Journal of Pain Symptom Management. 2019 (JIF 3.249)
- Teo I, Baid D, Ozdemir S, Malhotra C, Singh R, Harding R, Malhotra R, Yang MG, Neo SH, et al. Family caregivers of advanced cancer patients: self-perceived competency and meaning-making. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2019. Dec 5 (JIF: 3.208)
- Cheung YB, Neo SH, Yang GM, et al. Two valid and reliable short forms of the Singapore caregiver quality of life scale were developed: SCQOLS-10 and SCQOLS-15. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 121 (2020) 101-108 (JIF: 4.245)
- Neo SH, Ku JS, Wong GC, et al. Life beyond heart failure- Life beyond Heart Failure– what are the long-term challenges, supportive care needs and views towards supportive care of multi-ethnic Asian patients with left ventricular assist device (LVAD) and their caregivers?, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (2020)- in press (JIF: 3.249)
- Cheung YB, Neo SH, Yang GM et al. Reference values for and interpretation of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale: A quantile regression approach. J Patient Rep Outcomes. 2020 May;6;4(1):34.
- Cheung YB, Teo I, Lim WS, Hum A, Neo SH, et al. Development and evaluation of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale-Dementia. J Patient Rep Outcomes. 2020 Oct;19;4(1):84
- Lee CF, Wee HL, Teo I, Lee GL, Thumboo J, Cheung YB, Neo SHS. Reference values for the short forms of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2021; 5:17.
- Neo SH, Ku JS, Tan JY, Yoon SW. Lived experiences and long-term challenges and needs of Asian Left ventricular assist device caregivers. Palliative Medicine Reports 2021, 1
- Lee CF, Seow DCC, Teo I, Neo SHS, Yang GM, Lee GL, Lim WS, Hum A, Cheung YB. Development of a short form of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale – Dementia: SCQOLS-D-15. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2021; 5:56.
- Lo J, Yoon SW, Neo SH, Sim D, Graves N. Factors influencing potentially futile treatments at the end of life in a multiethnic Asian cardiology setting: a qualitative study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021 Dec 8: 10499091211053624. (JIF 1.655)
- Yang GM, Shivanada S, Foo C, Neo SH, Ho S, Yoon SW. Experience of patients in a consult model versus an integrated Palliative care and medical oncology co rounding model: A qualitative study. J Palliat Med. 2021 Nov 5. Doi: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0361 (JIF 2.49)
- Mok N, Xia Z, Ng XH, Neo SH. Telemedicine for Palliative Care: Current and Future Challenges. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2021 Nov;50(11):862-864. (JIF 2.473)
- Neo SH, Zhou JX, Wong GC, Mok NK, Yee AC, Phua GL. Teaching communication micro-skills to cardiologists managing seriously ill patients in Asia: Challenges Encountered Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Perspectives. Cureus Journal November 2021.
- Neo SH, Tan YT, Sim DKL, Ng ESL, Loh JKX, et al. Validity and Reliability of the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale in Asian Heart Failure Patients. Palliat Med Rep. 2022 Nov 21;3(1):287-295.
Relevant Patents held: NA
Scientific awards: MOH NMRC HSR NIG Nov 2020, NMRC RTF June 2021 (NUS MCI)
Current and Previous Support from NMRC or other sources: ($350,475 thus far)
As Principal Investigator:
- Translation and validation of the 10 item FAMCARE to assess satisfaction of caregivers with care given to advanced cancer patients. Funding from: National Cancer Research Fund [NCCRF-YR2017-JUL-PG2]. Funding amount: $50,000; Funding Period: 1 December 2017 to 31st December 2019.
- Challenges and unmet supportive care needs of left ventricular assist device (LVAD) patients, LVAD eligible patients and their caregivers. Funding from: Lien Centre Palliative Care, LCPC-EX17-0002 Funding amount: $9,800. Funding period: 1 January 2018 – 31st December 2020
- Validity, Reliability, Feasibility and Acceptability of the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale for identification of needs of Heart Failure patients. Funding from: (Academic medicine research grant call 2018: special category: HSR: Health outcomes), AM/HHO001/2018 (SRDUKAMR18H1). Funding amount: $65,000. Funding period: 1st April 2019- 31st October 2022
- Pilot study on the effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of a communications training module for cardiologists and cardiac surgeons- to improve communication skills and comfort with goals of care discussion. Funding from: Lien Centre Palliative Care, (LCPC-EX19-0002). Funding amount: $12,000. Funding period: 1st June 2019- 31st June 2021
- Providing proactive palliative care through the novel use of telemedicine for patients with advanced cancer. Funding from: Singhealth Duke-NUS Academic Medicine Special Request Research Funding FY2020 (AM/CSP004/2020) (SRDUKAMC20S4). Funding amount: $19,000. Funding period: 1st May 2020- 31st April 2022
- Perspectives of healthcare providers on an integrated oncology and palliative care model for inpatients with cancer- what are the core components that are important for an effective model of care? Funding from NCCS Cancer Fund (research) [NCCSCF-R-YR2020-JAN-PG4]. Funding amount: $50,000. Funding period: 1st July 2020- 30th June 2022
- Cultural adaptation of the ENABLE (Educate, Nurture, Advise Before Life ends) intervention for heart failure patients and caregivers (LCPC-EX20-0001). Funding from: Lien Centre Palliative Care. Funding amount: $44.675. Funding period: 1st December 2020 – 31st May 2021
- Pilot Wait-list Randomized Controlled Trial of the ENABLE (Educate, Nurture, Advise, Before Life Ends) intervention for heart failure (HF) patients and their caregivers in Singapore (ENABLE-HF-SG) – NMRC HSR NIG. Funding amount: $100,000. Funding period: 14th October 2021 – ongoing
- Cultural adaptation of the serious illness conversation guide for seriously ill patients in Singapore. Funding from: Lien Centre for Palliative Care (LCPC-EX22-0001). Funding amount: 31,100. Funding period: 1 January 2023 -31St December 2023
Research Mentoring (Research Mentor – for Duke-NUS Medical students; with support from senior mentor Professor Cheung Yin Bun)