- Confirm diagnosis and degree of cord compression with MRI spine.
- Start Dexamethasone 16mg/day with gastric protection.
- Ensure adequate analgesia is prescribed.
- Spinal nursing until spine is deemed stable.
- Good skin, urinary and bowel care are essential. This includes regular turning, regular changing of wet diapers, insert indwelling urinary catheter regular turning, indwelling catheter and routine bowel regimen.
- Principle of bowel regimen is to keep bowel habit regular and stool soft (i.e. PO Senna 2 tablets Every Other Night, and Dulcolax Suppository Every Other Day after Senna is given). Avoid lactulose as it leads to watery and ‘acidic’ stools that may cause skin irritation.
- Prevent pressure injury by performing regular turning and skin care, pressure-reducing devices (e.g. air mattress)
- Involvement of multidisciplinary team e.g. Orthopaedics, Interventional radiologist, rehabilitation medicine, medical oncologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, dietician, and medical social worker
- If patient is deemed suitable for further specific intervention, stratification can be done according to NOMS Framework by Laufer et al (2013) (table below), and modified to local institutional practice.

- Assess extent of neurological deficits. If deficits are severe and >48hours, chance of neurological recovery is very low with RT or surgery. However, RT may still be given for pain control if pain is an issue (in absence of spinal instability)
- Radiotherapy is unlikely to relieve pain caused by an unstable spine. May require surgery or spinal analgesia to control such pain
- A referral to Palliative Care and/or Pain team should be considered for uncontrolled symptoms
Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS)
Score |
Spine Location |
Junctional (occiput-C2, C7–T2, T11–L1, L5–S1) |
3 |
Mobile spine (C3–C6, L2–L4) |
2 |
Semi-rigid (T3–T10) |
1 |
Rigid (S2–S5)
0 |
Mechanical or Postural Pain
Yes |
3 |
No (occasional pain but not mechanical) |
1 |
Pain-free lesion |
0 |
Bone Lesion Quality |
Lytic |
2 |
Mixed lytic/blastic |
1 |
Blastic |
0 |
Radiographic spinal alignment
Subluxation/translation present
4 |
De novo deformity (kyphosis/scoliosis)
2 |
Normal alignment
0 |
Vertebral Body Involvement |
>50% collapse |
3 |
<50% collapse |
2 |
No collapse with >50% of the body involved |
1 |
None of the above |
0 |
Posterior Involvement |
Bilateral |
3 |
Unilateral |
1 |
None of the above |
0 |