Prioritising occupational health and safety at Duke-NUS

At Duke-NUS, our commitment to safety parallels our dedication to academic excellence. Through proactive risk management and a deeply ingrained culture of safety, we ensure that every member of our community, from staff to students, navigates a secure environment. We instil a safety mindset in our community by:

  • Having robust and practicable crisis management, emergency and recovery plans
  • Conducting regular exercises, training and incident debriefings
  • Developing warning and notification systems
  • Maintaining effective communication channels at all times

Our Safety, Health, Emergency Management, Research Integrity & Compliance (SHERIC) Department, Safety Committee and Crisis Management Committee are central to these efforts. Together with the University's Office of Risk Management and Compliance (ORMC), they make safety not just a priority but a way of life. 

Duke-NUS’ occupational health and safety policy

At Duke-NUS, we recognise that safety excellence is integral to our mission of transforming medicine and improving lives. We are committed to continuously improving strategies and processes to ensure the highest level of safety performance that meets national and international standards. 

Our commitment to creating a culture of health and safety at Duke-NUS is captured in our policy: 

Safety management

We follow a comprehensive safety management system based on the ISO 45001 standard. The plan-do-check-act, or PDCA, cycle identifies and reduces risks and promotes a safety culture where everyone takes responsibility for maintaining a safe workplace. 

Since 2012, we have achieved and maintained the prevailing international best practices in occupational health and safety by being certified to the standards required by the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series, or OHSAS, 18001 certification from 2012 to 2019 and the current ISO 45001 standard since 2020. As part of the National University of Singapore, we are also regularly recognised for our commitment to safety at the NUS Health & Safety Awards.  

The Safety, Health, Emergency Management, Research Integrity & Compliance (SHERIC) Department collaborates with all stakeholders to create a safety management system that serves as a single point of contact for all safety-related concerns at the School.

Contact us

Email Duke-NUS Safety at

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