Duke-NUS - About Academic Medicine

About Academic Medicine


Duke-NUS and SingHealth have established a partnership in Academic Medicine (AM). The SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre (AMC) harnesses the collective strengths of Duke-NUS’ medical education and research capabilities, and SingHealth’s clinical expertise. Through this, clinical care, education and research are integrated, leading to improved healthcare and patient outcomes.

The SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC work in tandem with students and staff to nurture a vibrant environment that encourages new discoveries in healthcare. The key to the partnership’s success is the integration of cutting-edge clinical and translational research and patient care. This collaborative model builds on similar successful concepts applied in academic medical centres across the world.

By having a strong faculty that straddles the best of the clinical, research, and education worlds, students reap the benefits of learning to become "Clinicians Plus’ of the future. And with the fifteen academic clinical programmes (ACPs) at the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC, students quickly grasp that there is more than one way to transform medicine and improve lives.

To find out more, please click visit the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC website.


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