Pre-MD Pathway - SMU-Duke-NUS Medicine Pathway

Preparing Doctors to be Future Healthcare Leaders

The SMU-Duke-NUS Medicine Pathway develops future clinicians who will bring with them a solid understanding and appreciation of the operations of a hospital or healthcare eco-system. This enables them to operate as doctors who can navigate the system effectively, provide the best analyses and decision-making behind complex operations, and implement patient-centric processes for more efficient and ideal patient outcomes. The pathway will also prepare future clinicians who aspire towards key leadership or management roles within a hospital or healthcare system.

Programme Highlights

At SMU, students in the pathway will take the SMU Core Curriculum, which has been designed to develop the social intelligence, ethical compass, disciplinary knowledge and technical skills of all SMU students.

They will expand their intellectual knowledge by taking a guaranteed 2nd major from any of SMU’s six schools.  This 2nd major could be SMU’s new Health Economics and Management major, where students learn about health systems and policies as well as healthcare management, critical for their preparation as a future clinician or healthcare leader.

While at SMU, students also have the chance to experience global exposure at least once, to broaden their worldview and encounter different perspectives.  Students will be assigned a careers advisor, complete a required 10-week internship, and participate in community service. These experiences are part of SMU’s commitment to nurturing graduates who can think deeply and broadly, create value, and have an independent mind yet are dependable in deeds.

Students can expect to stay engaged with Duke-NUS through periodic meetings with Duke-NUS faculty on campus and invitations to activities designed to provide insights into the medical school experience and a career in medicine. A general overview of the coursework requirements and mentorship and enrichment activities is below.

Coursework Requirements:

  • Students are encouraged to take the second major in Health Economics and Management (HEM). Alternatively, they are strongly encouraged to take the following two courses within the HEM major:
  • Health Systems and Policy (co-taught by SingHealth faculty)
  • Healthcare Management (co-taught by SingHealth faculty) 

Mentorship and Enrichment Activities:

  • Advising Sessions with Duke-NUS Medical School Faculty 
  • Duke-NUS Medical Specialties Workshops 
  • Duke-NUS Alumni Clinical Observership 
  • Community Projects


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