Stem Cell and Gene Editing (SCAGE) Core Facility
SCAGE core facility was established in 2018 and launched in Jan 2021 at Duke-NUS Medical School through the National Neuroscience Research Institute of Singapore (NNRIS). It is managed by Dr. Gunaseelan. SCAGE aims to expedite research in academic and clinical labs in Singapore by providing services involving two Nobel Prize winning technologies – induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) reprogramming and CRISPR gene editing.
SCAGE provides the following services to all academic and clinical labs in Singapore.
(a) Reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
- Reprogramming of fibroblasts, PBMCs, CD34+ cells, etc
- RNA reprogramming (virus-free method) and Sendai reprogramming methods offered
- iPS characterization assays and karyotyping offered
Reprogramming service workflow:

(b) CRISPR gene editing
SCAGE uses a newer method involving RNP electroporation for gene editing. This method has been shown to have higher editing efficiency, lower off-target effects and faster turnaround time than the conventional plasmid-based method. We offer CRISPR service to perform the following:
- Gene knockout
- Targeted mutations at specific sites in gene
- Gene knock-in
- Designing of guide RNAs and donor templates
- Off-target analysis
CRISPR service workflow:

For further enquiries, pls contact Dr. Gunaseelan (