Immersive Learning Space

Immersive Learning Space

The Immersive Learning Space (ILS) at Duke-NUS Medical School is testament to our commitment to advancing medical education. The ILS offers an integrative learning environment where both students and clinicians can utilise immersive learning technology for medical education.

Anatomage Table

This virtual dissection tool displays fully segmented 3D images of real human cadavers that users can manipulate and analyze from any angle.

The ILS is instrumental in nurturing innovation at Duke-NUS by offering hands-on experiences that complement conventional learning methodologies. Students are encouraged to utilize the Immersive Learning Space for both faculty-led interactive sessions and independent study.

Our school follows a multi-modality approach to anatomy teaching that combines Virtual Dissection and VR with practical elements such as cadaveric dissections, online resources, and plastinated specimens. This blend results in a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy, pathology and imaging based on real clinical cases.

The Anatomage Table includes features such as:

  • Interactive 3D virtual dissection of human anatomy
  • High-definition visualization using a life-sized touchscreen
  • Ability to display images and CT scans of actual human bodies
  • A vast library of documented clinical cases

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Devices

Devices like Meta Quest 2 provides dynamic environments allowing medical students to explore intricate 3D representations of the human body.

Primal VR is a Virtual Reality application that merges high-quality 3D human anatomy visuals with interactive VR technology.

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