Registrar Services

Services for Students and Graduates

The registrar function of Duke-NUS Medical School supports incoming students, current students and our graduates. This includes providing information to incoming students on matriculation-related matters, registration of students, management of student records, administration of NUS Education Records (EduRec), ensuring compliance to education policies, verification and processing of student status, academic standing, student progression and graduation.

All Students

  • Duke-NUS Honour Code and Polices
  • Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
  • Request for Status Letters

Incoming Students

  • Online forum
  • Submission of health requirements
  • Visa Services
  • Student’s Personal Data

Current Students

  • Retrieval of submitted health documents
  • Visa Services
  • Student’s Personal Data
  • Maintenance/Verification of Academic Records

Graduated Students

  • Retrieval of submitted health documents
  • Degree Scrolls and Transcripts
  • Graduation Gowns

Duke-NUS Honour Code and Polices

All students are responsible for understanding and complying with the policies and procedures of the University and the School, including but not limited to the following:

Duke-NUS Honour Code
NUS Administrative Policies
Duke-NUS Academic Policies (requires student/staff login) 

Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

The University and the School takes the responsibilities under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the "PDPA") seriously. To assist you in understanding how we collect, use and/or disclose the personal data you have provided to us, as well as to assist you in making an informed decision before providing us with any of your personal data, please refer to the NUS Student Data Protection Policy. 

Request for Status Letters

Students requiring a letter for verification of their student status for various purposes (e.g. Conference registration, applying for visa from other countries, reservist deferment, bank loan application, etc.) may submit a request by completing the Student Status Letter Request Form.

Online forum

If you have been accepted into our next student intake, then congratulations on your admission to Duke-NUS Medical School!! We are excited about your joining us and very much look forward to welcoming you in person.

To facilitate your preparation for school, you will be invited into an online forum before the start of school, where you can find relevant information and communicate with other incoming students. The forum will be active about 3 months before the start of school. The links and invitations to the online forums will be provided at the appropriate time.

MD Class of 2028 Online Forum (available from April to July)
PhD 2024 Intake Online Forum (available from June to Aug)  

Submission of Health Requirements

All medical students will have to comply with the Ministry of Health (MOH) Screening and Vaccination Requirements for Health Science Students, which includes Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV screening; and Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella and Tdap vaccinations.

New students will be required to submit documentary proof of compliance to these health requirements prior to matriculation, as health screening results may affect the students' decision in continuing with the programme. Prospective students who fail or decline to furnish evidence of required screening and vaccinations may be excluded from the MD programme. More details, including submission deadlines are provided in a Welcome Email sent to accepted students, and in the MD Class Online Forum.

Visa Services

International students will require a Student’s Pass to study full-time in Singapore. Information on Student's Pass Application will be provided to incoming students in the online forum. You may also refer to the website of Singapore's Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) for further information.

Current international students must ensure that their Student's Pass is valid until graduation. If the Student's Pass expires prior to expected graduation date, then an application for Student's Pass Extension has to be submitted 1 to 2 months before the expiry date. Please email Registrar Services if you need to extend your Student's Pass.

Full-time students may apply for the school's sponsorship for Long-Term Social Visit Pass for the student's spouse or child. For more information and documents required, please email Registrar Services or approach us on Level 4.

Student’s Personal Data

Duke-NUS Registrar Services supports the NUS Office of the University Registrar in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of all our student records (past and present). All students are responsible for keeping their personal particulars in the University and School's records updated within 5 working days of the effective date of change. Please refer to NUS Office of the University Registrar's website on Responsibility for Notices, Circulars and Update of Personal Particulars for more details and documents required. Do note that supporting documents can be shown to Duke-NUS Registrar Services staff (at Level 4) for verification. Duke-NUS students need not go to Kent Ridge Campus or Bukit Timah Campus for this purpose.

Retrieval of Health Requirements

Current students who wish to retrieve a copy of previously submitted documentary proof of these health requirements (e.g. proof of Hepatitis B or Varicella immunity) may do so via the Document Requirement (DR) system. Those who have pending documents may also submit their documents via the DR system

Maintenance and Verification of Academic Records

Duke-NUS Registrar Services tracks, process and provides verification on student progression, student’s academic standing, courses enrolled, credit transfers for programmes taken externally and long-term Leave of Absence (LoA) taken.

Current Students may also request for an interim official transcript via the NUS Online Transcript Application (OTA) portal. Please be advised to view your interim unofficial transcript from the Education Records System (myEduRec) first before submitting your request and payment for the official copy.

Degree Scrolls and Transcripts

All graduates will receive a complimentary copy of a complete (final) academic transcript together with the degree scroll. Students who have completed the graduation requirements of joint degrees, e.g. the Doctor of Medicine (MD) and the PhD in Integrated Biology and Medicine (IBM PhD), are jointly awarded by NUS and Duke University. Approvals from both NUS and Duke University will be sought and graduates will receive one degree scroll bearing the approvals of both universities.

Graduates may collect their degree scrolls and final transcripts according to the Collection Period as stated on the NUS Registrar's Office website on Degree Scrolls. However, for MD and MD-PhD graduates, Registrar Services will collect the degree scrolls and complimentary transcripts on the graduates' behalf, for the graduates' collection at Duke-NUS Level 4.

Graduates may also request for additional copies of their academic transcript at any time via the NUS Online Transcript Application (OTA) portal.

Graduation Gowns

Graduands in preparation for the annual Duke-NUS Graduation and Hooding Ceremony will be informed via email on the period for trying out the sizes of their Graduation Gowns and place their orders for rental/purchase of the gowns.

Contact Us

Bibiana Teh         Senior Associate Director

Jacklyn Tham      Assistant Manager

Joan Tan              Senior Executive

Annabel Wee      Executive

Sabrina Bangras  Executive

Locate Us

8 College Road, Level 4, Singapore 169857

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