DERC Committee

Duke-NUS Departmental Ethics Review Committee


Duke-NUS Departmental Ethics Review Committee (Duke-NUS DERC) was set up to expedite the approval process for educational research that qualifies for exemption. Duke-NUS Faculty who is conducting educational research that qualifies for an Exemption may be reviewed and approved by the DERC. This applies to social, behavioural and educational research (SBER) that is of minimal risk, but excludes any human biomedical research (HBR) that falls within section 3 of the Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA). As part of the review process, the DERC will determine whether the research can be exempted or referred to the NUS Institutional Review Board (NUS-IRB) for review based on the risk to the research participants.

Download Application Forms

Submit the duly completed forms (with any communications with CIRB if applicable) to the Duke-NUS DERC Secretariat at

Duke-NUS SBER Application Form

Participation Information Sheet & Consent Form

List of Co-Investigator Forms (where applicable)

Members of DERC

The Committee will consist of at least 5 members with representatives from the following: 2 domain-specific academic staff members 1 clinical faculty member 2 “others” (who may be laypersons, alumni or undergraduate/graduate students)

Chairperson - Asst Prof Jason Lee Wen Yau

Member - Prof Fernando Bello

Member - Clinical Prof Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna

Member - Asst Prof Irene Lee

Member - Dr Rukmini Dhara

Member - Ms Zhu Anqi

Secretariat - Ms Rachel Choi Hui Yi

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