NUS Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is intended to guide staff’s conduct within a broad framework and should not be treated as an exhaustive list of all potential issues which staff may encounter during their course of work. Staff are expected to adhere to the
spirit and letter of this Code of Conduct at all times.
The principles outlined do not exclude or replace the rights and obligations of staff under their contracts of service, statutes, regulations and rules of the University, and the law. It is the responsibility of all staff to acquaint themselves with this
Code of Conduct and all other rules and regulations that may be in force in the University from time to time. A breach of this Code of Conduct or any of the University’s rules and regulations may result in disciplinary actions being taken, including
the termination of service.
The Code of Conduct is based on the following fundamental principles: -
a) Personal Integrity;
b) Respect for People; and
c) Respect for the law and University governance
Duke-NUS Code of Conduct for Education Faculty
The Duke-NUS Education Faculty Code of Conduct is intended to guide the conduct of Duke-NUS “Education faculty” in the course of their teaching responsibilities involving any Duke-NUS students. It serves as a broad set of principles and standards,
expected of all Duke-NUS Education Faculty, and will form the reference framework when considering behaviours or performance or conduct of concern. It should not be treated as an exhaustive list of all potential issues which Education Faculty members
may encounter during their work. Faculty members are expected to adhere to both the spirit and the letter of this Duke-NUS Education Faculty Code of Conduct at all times during their Duke-NUS educational activities.
The principles outlined
in this Duke-NUS Education Faculty Code of Conduct do not exclude or replace the rights and obligations of staff members under their contracts of service, the statutes, regulations and rules of the primary place of employment, the University, and
the law. It is the responsibility of all Education Faculty members to acquaint themselves with the relevant Codes of Conduct pertinent to their responsibilities and be familiar with all other relevant rules and regulations that may be in force in
respect to their appointment with the University or Duke-NUS Medical School and that might be amended from time to time.
Education Faculty are expected to be familiar with the relevant institutional, regulatory, government, and/or national
requirements applicable to their educational roles, such as their healthcare institutions’ Code of Conduct, the Singapore Medical Council’s (SMC) Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines, (Specifically sections relevant to professional behaviour
and educational responsibilities), the SMC’s Handbook on Medical Ethics, Research Ethics and Compliance, and the responsibilities outlined under the Personal Data Protection Act, as appropriate.
Duke-NUS Education Faculty Code of
Conduct is based on the following NUS fundamental principles of:
a) Integrity
b) Respect for People
c) Respect for the law and University rules
d) Stewardship
NUS Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest occurs when there is a divergence between an individual's private interests and his/her professional obligations to the University, such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual's professional
actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal gain, financial or otherwise.
NUS is in a position of trust in relation to many external organisations. In addition, NUS staff have a responsibility to the government, donors, parents, students and other sources of resources to use such resources prudently and ethically. Considerations
for personal gain, financial or otherwise, must not influence the decisions or actions of individuals in carrying out their University responsibilities.
Accordingly, NUS staff should be sensitive to situations which could raise questions of potential or apparent conflicts between personal interests and the University's interests, and should conduct their affairs so as to avoid or minimise such conflicts.
Annual Certification and Disclosure
To protect the University and its staff and students against allegations relating to conflicts of interest, NUS staff must certify annually to their Deans, Heads
of Department or reporting officer their compliance with this Policy and the Related Policies, and make the relevant disclosures in the on-line form on the Annual Declaration of External Commitments, Close Relationships & Gifts/Gains. For each
Exercise on the Annual Declaration of External Commitments, Close Relationships & Gifts/Gains, staff will receive an email notification to log on to this link.
NUS Whistleblowing Policy
The University is committed to steward our resources responsibly by maintaining an ethical culture, one of integrity and compliance with laws, regulations and standards. In line with the above commitment, the University instituted a Whistleblowing Policy
to provide a channel for the reporting of actual or suspected wrong doings committed by any University staff for investigation and corrective actions, as well as assurance that staff will be protected from reprisals for whistleblowing in good faith.
The Policy covers, but is not limited, to the following wrong doings:
(a) Illegal activities, unethical and improper practices relating to financial and accounting matters and standards;
(b) Non-compliance with laws and regulations;
(c) Breach of University’s Statutes, policies and code of conduct; and
(d) Acts of Retaliation against staff who have made an allegation or assisted in the investigation of an allegation.
Please log into the Staff intranet to find out more on the NUS Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest and Whistleblowing policy, and Duke-NUS Code of Conduct for Education Faculty. Please refer to following Checklist on how to access Duke-NUS website / Intranet.
Please contact Duke-NUS IT Care at 6516
5932 if you have difficulties accessing the Duke-NUS Staff Intranet.
E-Learning modules
Faculty on regular rank appointment and whose primary employment is not with Duke-NUS are only required to complete the module on IT/Data Management.
The modules are hosted on the ‘Learning Management System (LMS)’ platform. We recommend that you use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer for the best user experience. Checklist on how to access Duke-NUS website / Intranet.
Please contact Duke-NUS IT Care at 6516 5932 if you have difficulties accessing the Duke-NUS Staff Intranet.