Study to be a doctor at Duke-NUS with scholarship and financial aid schemes

Scholarship and Financial Aid Schemes

We understand the challenge of financing a medical education and strive to help our students tap on available resources to meet their financial needs. Depending on individual’s financial circumstances and academic performance, students may apply for any one or any combination of the three financing options available - tuition fee loan, bursary and merit scholarship.  About two-thirds of our students are on some form of financial aid.  The exact quantum of financial aid extended to a student varies, depending on the financial circumstances of the student, their immediate family members and spouse (where applicable).


Tuition Fee Loan

Students with financial need are expected to take up a Tuition Fee Loan. 

More information on the Tuition Fee Loan scheme may be found at



Bursaries are awarded based on familial and personal financial need.


Merit Scholarship

There are various  merit scholarships schemes available, both externally and at Duke-NUS. Merit scholarships are generally awarded based on personal academic achievements and attributes such as meaningful involvement in community service or leadership experiences.  

Several scholarships are valid for the full MD duration of 4 years and may be used for tuition fees, miscellaneous fees, living expenses as well as other fees associated with studying at Duke-NUS.  

To be considered for a merit scholarship at Duke-NUS, interested applicants must submit a financial aid application within 28 calendar days after attending the admission interview on Applicant Day.  Scholarship recipients are selected by the School’s Scholarship Selection Committee and only successful applicants will be informed of their award – typically between March and June of each year.  Examples of the merit scholarships available are as follows:

Research Fellowships

All students who join Duke-NUS under either the PhD (Integrated Biology and Medicine) or PhD (Quantitative Biology and Medicine) programmes will be offered the Duke-NUS PhD Fellowship and the Khoo Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award respectively.

Under the awards, all students will be provided with financial support for 100% of tuition and miscellaneous fees charged for their PhD studies.  In addition, students will also be provided with a monthly stipend with Singapore Citizens also receiving voluntary CPF contribution on their monthly stipend in accordance to prevailing employer’s CPF contribution rate.

Students may refer to the following for the respective awards’ Terms and Conditions:

1. Duke-NUS PhD Fellowship; and

2. Khoo Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

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