Adolescents as a group of individuals are often overlooked in health related discussions, despite the need to tackle the health challenges they face during a crucial period of transition from childhood to adulthood. The various aspects of their health and well-being (psychological, social, developmental and sexual) are impacted by a myriad of factors such as technology, poverty and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.
This 4-part webinar series is co-organised by the
SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute (SDGHI) and
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Lao PDR. It aims to highlight key challenges and approaches in adolescent health and well-being in the region by: 1) looking at the impact of COVID-19 on adolescents, 2) understanding the implications of the rapidly evolving digital environment on their health, 3) examining key approaches to sexual and reproductive health, and 4) looking at poverty as an underlying determinant that increases the vulnerability and health risks of this demographic. It will bring together speakers working in different areas of adolescent health and development from various countries in the region and provide a holistic picture of how the different aspects explored intersect and influence the overall health and well-being of adolescents.
Webinar 1:
The impact of COVID-19 on adolescentsWed, 14 Jul 2021 | 3pm-4pm Lao PDR / 4pm-5pm Singapore | Zoom
Registration has closedThe first webinar will provide an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on adolescents. It will highlight specific topics in different countries in the ASEAN region. Some of these topics will be further explored in subsequent webinars. The aim of this webinar is to provide the framework for discussion on key issues related to adolescent health, wellbeing and positive development.
Amina Mahmood Islam (moderator)
Deputy Director, SDGHI
Mariam KhanCountry Representative, UNFPA Lao PDR
Dr Sitthiroth RasphoneDirector General, Center for Development Policy Research, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Lao PDR
Jayamalar Samuel Assistant Representative, UNFPA Malaysia
Webinar 2:
Adolescents in the digital environment (Technology and Teenagers)Wed, 21 Jul 2021 | 3pm-4pm Lao PDR / 4pm-5pm Singapore | Zoom
Registration has closedTech and Teens: Technology use among young people can have a wide range of impact on adolescent health outcomes. While on one hand, it may allow them to stay connected to friends and family and opens an avenue of opportunities to learn and grow, it also raises numerous concerns related to excessive use, cyberbullying, privacy, social isolation, and more. This webinar aims to address the risks and benefits of social media on adolescent mental health, eating behaviours, and physical activity. Community containment and mitigation strategies amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic have led to prolonged lockdowns in many countries, resulting in increased exposure to technology among the youth. Shift to digital learning has been unanticipated in many parts of the world, and this webinar plans to cover the emerging consequences on learning performance, social interaction and skills development. The webinar will host experts in the field of Adolescent Health from Lao PDR, Indonesia and Singapore who will share their insights to better understand the narratives of youth as digital natives.
Dr Courtney Davis (moderator)
Co-Lead, Education and Training Core, SDGHI
Staff Physician, Adolescent Medicine Service, KK Women's and Children's Hospital
Dr Daniel FungCEO & Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore
Ketsana Siphonephat
Deputy Head of Academic Affairs Section, Lao German Technical College, Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR
Dr Tej Ram JatProgramme Specialist, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, UNFPA Lao PDR
Ticiana Garcia-TapiaYouth & Adolescent Development Specialist and Gender Focal Point, UNICEF Indonesia
Webinar 3:
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) in South East AsiaWed, 28 Jul 2021 | 3pm-4pm Lao PDR / 4pm-5pm Singapore | Zoom
Registration has closedAdolescent sexual and reproductive health is often a topic that is overlooked despite the risk and consequences that are present on the health and overall development of youths today. This webinar will aim to provide an overview of the current gaps and barriers present in ASRH in SEA and highlight the importance of engaging with the topic to ensure a safe and healthy transition into adulthood for our youths. It will bring together speakers working in different areas of ASRH to identify the key factors that influence and impact their access to health services and information and examine how the changing values, norms and behaviours among youths today require our health systems and educational environments to adapt and evolve. Speakers will also share the experiences of successful strategies for providing adolescents and youth friendly sexual and reproductive health information and services to adolescents and young people.
Mariam Khan (moderator)
Country Representative, UNFPA Lao PDR
Sivananthi ThanethiranExecutive Director, Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW), Malaysia
Dr Sommana RattanaDeputy Director, Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health, Lao PDR
Siriphone Sally SakulkuSexual and Reproductive Health Programme Coordinator, UNFPA Lao PDR
Ni Luh Eka Purni AstitiYouth Country Coordinator of Get Up Speak Out (GUSO) Programme, Indonesia
Webinar 4:
The impact of poverty and extreme events on adolescent health: trafficking, conflicts, and violenceWed, 4 Aug 2021 | 3pm-4pm Lao PDR / 4pm-5pm Singapore | Zoom
Registration has closedThis webinar will address health issues among adolescents related to poverty and extreme events. Speakers will provide a background on the impact of financial deprivation and highlight the other severe situations, such as trafficking, migration, conflicts, and violence. Country examples from Lao, Thailand and Myanmar will be given along with a regional overview to provide an in-depth understanding of poverty among adolescents in the Southeast Asia. In addition, these cases contribute to igniting the discussion on what is needed to help prevent adolescents from entering these extreme situations and improve their health.
Dr Tej Ram Jat (moderator)
Programme Specialist, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, UNFPA Lao PDR
Marie NodzenskiPhD candidate, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Kane Hay ThaDisability and Social Inclusion Project Officer, Humanity & Inclusion, Thailand
Bounleua ChanthaphommaDirector General, Protection and Counselling Centre for Women and Children, Lao Women’s Union, Lao PDR