

Open House - Aug


Meet the Duke-NUS Deans

Our Open House is the perfect opportunity to interact with Professor London Lucien Ooi and A/Professor Silke Vogel. Take the opportunity to join and to ask tons of questions – they’re here to clear any doubts you may have, and to give you all the information you need about the application process.

Ever Heard of a Surgical Showcase?

To give Open House attendees a taste of medical life, we’re hosting a surgical showcase – no scrubs required. This showcase will feature an inflatable operating theatre demonstration that promises to be as entertaining as it is informative. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from current Duke-NUS Medical students about their experiences in the classroom and the hospital. If you have any burning questions about student life, curriculum, and their application experience, be sure to ask them while at the Open House!

Open House Schedule

2:30pm Overview of the Duke-NUS MD programme
3:30pm Overview of the Duke-NUS PhD programme
4:15pm Surgical Showcase
4:45pm Refreshments
5:00pm Duke-NUS Students sharing


Duke-NUS Medical School
8 College Road S169857
Amphitheatre (Level 2)

Date and Time

05 Aug 2019 @ 14:30 - 05 Aug 2019 @ 17:30


Register Now


London Ooi Surgeon - thumb
Prof London Lucien Ooi
Associate Dean, Admissions, Recruitment & Financial Aid, Duke-NUS Medical School
Professor, Surgery ACP, SingHealth-Duke-NUS

Silke - thumb
A/Prof Silke Vogel 
Senior Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Duke-NUS Medical School 
Deputy Director, Centre of Regulatory Excellence, Duke-NUS Medical School

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