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Thursday, 02 May, 2024

Duke-NUS Carnival: Kickstarting celebrations for the School’s 20th anniversary

It was a different Duke-NUS that greeted staff and students as they stepped into the School on 26 April.

Crowds thronged the atrium lined with game booths; cheers rang out in the basketball court, now decked out in full festive finery with a huge tent sheltering a wide range of food stalls as loud pop music blared from speakers.

It was the first-ever Duke-NUS Carnival!

For the School turns twenty years old next year, and it kickstarted celebrations by throwing a huge party to thank staff and students for their contributions.

And what a party it was, with some 500 participants. They also included nurses from SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre, specially invited in recognition of their selfless dedication to caring for their patients and mentoring students as they grow into skilled clinicians.

The celebrations will continue, all the way til the School’s twentieth birthday, which falls on 14 April 2025.

Staff and students explore the carnival offerings.
Staff and students explore the carnival offerings. 

A carnival for good—we also invited our friends from the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped to provide reinvigorating head and shoulder massages.
A carnival for good—we also invited our friends from the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped to provide reinvigorating head and shoulder massages.

Basketball court turned pasar malam (night market).

My aim is true.
My aim is true.

Hit it!
Hit it! 

What’s a carnival without a lucky draw?
What’s a carnival without a lucky draw? 

Our Duke-NUS magazine gains new friends, including nurses from SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre!
Our Duke-NUS magazine gains new friends, including nurses from SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre! 

Duke-NUS medical students taking a brief respite from their studies to enjoy a game of balloon darts. 

He strikes with intent.
He strikes with intent.