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Wednesday, 28 Feb, 2024

Duke-NUS celebrates outstanding clinicians, newly-appointed and promoted faculty

Ten outstanding doctors from the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre (AMC) received top honours for delivering exceptional care to their patients and mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals.

It is the largest cohort so far to be recognised at the School’s annual Hall of Master Academic Clinicians induction ceremony.

A 150-strong audience celebrated their wins online and in-person at The Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium at Academia on 28 February.

Opening the event, Duke-NUS Governing Board member Professor Ivy Ng lauded these clinicians as the lifeblood of the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC: “You all come from different specialities but have a strong common passion for pushing the boundaries of academic excellence. You deliver exceptional care and touch the lives of your patients and all the teams that you lead. You are inspiring role models and mentors.” 

Before the Master Academic Clinicians went on stage to receive their awards from Duke-NUS Governing Board Chairman Mr Goh Yew Lin, they shared some valuable takeaways from their academic medicine journey in a video.

The video also featured Duke-NUS Dean Professor Thomas Coffman, who extended his heartfelt congratulations to the winners: “The unwavering commitment of these Master Academic Clinicians to their patients is critical to propelling our AMC to greater heights as they translate ideas into innovations. I am confident that their footprints will guide generations of clinicians to come so that together, we will continue to transform medicine and improve lives.”

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Professor Ivy Ng, Duke-NUS Governing Board Member, delivers the welcome address 

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The newly inducted Master Academic Clinicians on stage with SingHealth Group CEO Professor Ng Wai Hoe (left), SingHealth Chairman Mr Cheng Wai Keung (second from left), Duke-NUS Governing Board Chairman Mr Goh Yew Lin (front right), Duke-NUS Governing Board Member Professor Ivy Ng (right)

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Former Academic Chairs of SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Clinical Programmes with Duke-NUS Governing Board Chairman Mr Goh Yew Lin (right) and SingHealth Chairman Mr Cheng Wai Keung (left)

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Promoted and appointed senior faculty with Duke-NUS Governing Board Chairman, Mr Goh Yew Lin (center)

In this light, the School also recognised four former academic chairs from the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Clinical Programmes, or ACPs.

“Chairs of Academic Clinical Programmes carry heavy responsibilities, and this is besides handling punishing clinical duties and schedules, they stepped up to steer our Academic Clinical Programmes. From strategic planning and finance to managing faculty mentoring and development programmes, their efforts have resulted in much progress and multiple achievements in the ACPs they’ve led,” said Prof Ivy Ng.

At the ceremony, 20 senior faculty members also marked new milestones in their careers as they were appointed or promoted to the ranks of associate and full professor for their stellar accomplishments in education and research.

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Professor Ng Wai Hoe, SingHealth Group CEO, gives his closing remarks 

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Emcee for the ceremony, Mr Jacky Zhao from the Duke-NUS MD-PhD Programme

In his closing address, SingHealth Group CEO Professor Ng Wai Hoe expressed gratitude to all the new inductees, former academic chairs, newly appointed and promoted senior faculty.

In good humour, Prof Ng Wai Hoe pointed out that Master Academic Clinicians or MACs, bear some resemblance to the Big Mac burger in more ways than their pronunciation: “Through your humble desire to do good and to define tomorrow’s medicine and to improve patients’ lives, we celebrate all of you today as icons and benchmarks. Just as Big Mac is used to measure what a good hamburger is, you are all measures and benchmarks of what great clinicians are, what good master clinicians are, and what good academics are.”

Duke-NUS Master Academic Clinicians 2024