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Ho Tew Hong

Clinical Professor


Education Qualifications: FRCOG, FAMS, MRCOG, MMed (O&G), MBBS

Brief Biography

Clinical Professor Ho Tew Hong was the inaugural Vice Chair of Education for the SingHealth Duke-NUS OBGYN Academic Clinical Programme (OBGYN ACP) and is currently the Chair of the Program Evaluation committee of the OBGYN ACP.  He is the Chief of Gynaecology and Emeritus Consultant for Division of O&G, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital and is also a senior consultant in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the Singapore General Hospital. He is the Chairman of the M Med (O&G) Examinations subcommittee and Chief Examiner of the conjoined M Med/MRCOG Examinations as well as the chief examiner for the JCST exit examination committee for senior residents exiting into independent practice. Professor Ho holds academic appointments in Singapore’s medical schools, which include as a Clinical Professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, and Clinical Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore. 

In addition, I also serve as

1. a member of the Complaints panel, Singapore Medical Council.

2. a member of the Disciplinary Tribunal Panel. Singapore Medical Council.

3. a member and Chairperson of the Panel of Obstetrics and Gynaecology under the Medishield Life Scheme, Ministry of Health

After completing my MBBS at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1974, I subsequently went on to obtain my post-graduate MRCOG, UK at the Royal College of O&G in 1981. I went on to achieve further qualifications, which included Fellowship of the Academy of Medicine (FAMS) in 1984 and Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRCOG) in 1994. I was made an Honorary member of the Australian Society of Gynaecologic Oncologists in August 2000. This is a great honour as it is only bestowed on internationally recognised oncologists. I was also awarded the Health Manpower Development Programme (HMDP) Fellowship in 1983 & 1990 for training in Colposcopy and Gynaecology Oncology in Australia and USA. 

During my tenure as President and Chairman in almost all major O&G societies in Singapore including the inaugural President of the Singapore College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists in 2004, I was instrumental in the championing of various notable initiatives that had a great impact on the structuring of the OBGYN specialty. I was responsible for the development of gynaecological oncology to a level, which has enabled the department in KKH to be recognized as an accredited training centre for Gynaecological Oncology by the Royal Australian & New Zealand College. I continued to devote much of my career into the development and improvement of medical education. I initiated the first Regional MRCOG Part 2 OSCE Course in 2001 to equip candidates locally and regionally to the new format of the Part 2 MRCOG OSCE examinations. The course since then has attracted many participants from the region and was always over-subscribed. My leadership in partnership with the RCOG, UK had also led to the formation of the first conjoined M Med/MRCOG examinations to be held in Singapore on 8 May 2006. 

My passion and involvement in education extended into the community through various roles. Under the auspices of the Singapore International Foundation and the Myanmar Health Ministry I led several Obstetrics and Gynaecology teams to Myanmar from 1998-2003 to upgrade the O&G practices and skills amongst obstetricians and gynecologists in Yangon and Mandalay. The program helped to train trainers and enhanced teaching of trainees and young doctors. 

I have also received several Academic and Clinical Awards in recognition of my contributions towards the development of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in SingHealth and Singapore. These included awards: Outstanding Clinician Award (Special Mention), SingHealth GCEO Excellence Awards 2013, Distinguished Academician Award, College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Singapore 2014 and Distinguished Mentor Award, SingHealth Excellence Awards 2016, and Outstanding Faculty Award, SingHealth Residency, 2021.